Sophia and the twins

In Poland.

When I wake up, I looked around my bedroom, and while seeing sunlight coming by the window, I moved to the side. While being like that for some time once again, it had hit me. While it means that I need to get up. As I started getting up from bed, I looked around, and when I slowly walked to the bathroom, I had made all that I needed there, and then I come back to bed. While being there, I lay once again, and while I tried to fall asleep, I couldn't, so what left for me, it's going to eat. 

While being in the kitchen, I looked around at what I can make, and while I was thinking about it for a short time, I had no idea. While I was thinking for more and more, I looked at eggs, and while I take the pot, I filled it with water. When I had done this, I looked at it, and after putting it on fire, I took out four eggs.