Time change didn't apply

When I played with Jim, I had many times hard times seeing a change in his expression. Even what he had drunk, hasn't helped. As we played, I hear from time to time peanuts and drank coke. While this all was happening, I looked outside, and while seeing earth, he said: "probably Europe."

"Oh, I will go and inform the girls while you should refresh, Mei can kill you," I said while looking at him.

"Yes, I will do this," he said, and while seeing that, he walked to the bathroom there. I went downstairs, and after using the bathroom, I come to the bedroom where Sophia Mei and the twins were. While being there, Sophia said: "something has happened."

"Yes, we are above Europe, so in around an hour, maybe more, we will land," I said.

"OK," she said, and then, cries had come. While hearing it, I could hear, "so now help me."