Seventeen years ago (2)

As dad was driving, I checked my pockets, and while having a console with me, I started it to know if I charged it. When I had done this, I could only smile while seeing that it's fully charged and when I hide it as mom and dad were talking to not see it. 

When I looked outside, I started observing the view which I know too well. As this was happening, I could see that a traffic jam hit us. As I observed it, I could only shake my head, and then mom said to me, "did you give clothes to change?"

"Mom, you packed it yesterday in-car," I said.

"Right," mom said, and when I looked at her, I opened the back seat, and after taking out the bag, I checked. When I was doing it, I could see that mine were there. When I had done this, I said, "all is there."

"Good," mom said, and when she looked at dad, she said, "we will be late."