Only you!

Clay and Mina gasped as the coat fell to the floor revealing a sexy see-through red bra and panties set. Tanya's flawless skin gleamed in the fluorescent lighting of Aiden's office. Her blond hair was tied up in a delicate-looking bun.

She placed her hands on her hips and jutted out one of them trying to look seductive.

"Oh my heavenly goodness, is she for real?" Clay whispered into Mina's ear.

Mina wanted to look away but she couldn't help staring at the flawless body and comparing it to her own. Despite what Aiden said she still felt that Tanya was better suited for him. She looked like she was comfortable in her own skin, and she seemed more graceful and sexy.

"Tanya!" Aiden growled.

Mina's heart sank, she was sure that was his aroused growl. She had made him growl like that many times already. Image's started flashing through her mind of Aiden telling her he wants a divorce and to move out.

Despite only knowing each other for a short time Mina knew she was falling for him. He has proven to her that she is worthy of being valued and cared for. More so than Ben had when they had first started dating.

"Clay, I'm going to go," she whispered to him, quietly collecting her things.

"What?" he asked.

His question alerted the other men in the room. However, Mina didn't respond as she stood up and headed for the door.

"I'll leave you to it," she said quickly.

She could feel Aiden's eyes on her but Mina refused to look back. She heard Tanya coo his name before the door shut behind her. Her heart soared when she heard the door open again but sank when Clay shouted after her.

'Of course, he wouldn't follow me,' she chastised herself.

"Mina!" Clay out as he followed her. "Is everything ok?"

They walked in silence as she made her way down to her office, three floors down. Clay, uncomfortable with the silence, constantly called her name, asking her why she left. However, Mina refused to answer him. As she passed the nearby nurses station near the VIP rooms she stopped. Ahead walked a familiar figure. One she hadn't seen in years.

Her grandmother.

Mina watched her grandmother walk into one of the rooms followed by a nurse. One of the other nurses noticed her there and cheerfully came over.

"Hello, Miss Mina, your grandmother is here for her operation,"

"Grandmother?" Clay asked.

"What operation is she in for?" Mina asked dreading the answer.

The nurses smile faltered a little, confused by the question.

"She is having the tumour removed that she has been having treatment for. Didn't you know?" she asked.

Mina smiled sadly at the woman whilst shaking her head.

"No, my family and I aren't on speaking terms at the moment. Could you not tell her that I work here please," she asked before walking away quickly.

"Clay, I'm going to go home. Can you hold all my calls and let Aiden know," Mina asked before she grabbed her things and raced off not giving Clay a chance to respond or stop her.

Clay watched her go wishing he knew how to make her feel ok. He returned back to Aiden's office in time to see two security guards manhandling Tanya out of the office. Clay was gutted that she was covered up. Imagine how mortified she would feel at being dragged out like that in her underwear for everyone to see.

He also wished Mina had been there to see that, something told him that she was overthinking her relationship with Aiden. However, he couldn't understand why. Even a blind man could see how Aiden feels about her.

"Where is Mina?" Aiden asked when he noticed Clay was alone.


Mina bent her head in the shower, allowing the hot spray to wash away her tears. A part of her was upset that Aiden was going to leave her and that her grandmother was so sick. After the shower, she wrapped herself up in her nightgown and climbed onto their bed.

She lifted her knees and wrapped her arms around them. Her tears fell as she hid her face in her knees.


She froze at Aiden's soft voice but didn't lift her head. He sat in front of her and placed both hands on her arms gently.

"Mina, look at me," he whispered.

Slowly, she lifted her tear-stained face at him. Aiden's heart broke and without another thought, pulled her into his arms. She was straddled across his legs as he crushed her to his chest.

"I'm not going to say I was happy you left but I can imagine what you were thinking. You most likely thought that Tanya was better for me than you are. To some, she is a beautiful and sexy woman but to me, she is an old crone compared to you. When she revealed her body I felt nothing towards her," he said into her hair.

"....But you growled," she whispered into his chest.

"What? Oh! I get it, you thought I was aroused. When I finally get to meet this jackass of an ex of yours off yours I am really going to beat him to a pulp. Mina look at me," he demanded as he pushed her shoulders.

When she finally looked into his eyes he leaned forward and claimed her lips. Mina gasped into his mouth allowing him to push his tongue inside hers. She moaned as he explored her mouth. Aiden growled against her mouth and pushed her down into the mattress.

He moved to the side and made quick work of her robe. Aiden pulled away from her and kissed a trail down her body. Mina threw her head back and moaned loudly. Her hands gripped Aiden's hair as he lapped around her breasts before going further down.

He pushed both of her legs up and apart exposing her sex to him. With his eyes locked on hers his mouth covered mound.

"Aiden!" she called out as he worked her into a frenzy.

His tongue swiped over her clit continually, whilst he inserted a finger into her hole. Mina's hips bucked, the sensations were overwhelming her.

"Aiden! I'm ...." she called out but didn't get the chance to finish as her orgasm rocked through her.

He crawled up her body and watched her come down from her high with a huge smirk on his face. Once she was able to breathe or think properly she blushed when she noticed his face.

"Listen to me clearly," he said glaring into her eyes. "I growled because I was pissed that she thought a trick like that would work. After you left, I told Tanya to get out after I told her I had chosen someone else. She demanded to know who so I told her someone that was far more beautiful and sexy than she was. Tanya put her coat on then demanded to see who it was, so I called for security. She was dragged out, if you want to see it I am sure Clay took a picture."

Mina chuckled.

"Yeah, knowing him he did."

"I may have picked Tanya before but that was because I thought she was someone she's not. You are exactly the woman I have been looking for, someone that is kind, intelligent, responsible and sweet. Outward appearance has never interested me, but I am lucky that I have hit the jackpot. You are the most stunningly beautiful woman I have ever met and no one will ever compare to you."

Mina smiled timidly up at him, her cheeks and heart warmed at his words. She gripped the back of his neck and pulled him down for a slow sweet kiss. After a while, he pulled back and got off the bed. Mina instantly sat up and covered her still heated body.

She stared wide-eyed as she watched him undress. His body, no matter how many times she saw it, always left her speechless. The hard muscles, the abs and strong hands all left her breathless and with an aching need in-between her legs. His cock twitched as she stared at him.

"Continue to stare at me like that and I won't be able to control myself," he said, his smirk back in place.

Mina blushed again and turned away. It took everything inside her not to turn back and look at him, especially when she felt the bed dip. he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down so they were laid in each other's arms.

"Clay told me about your grandmother," Aiden said after a long period of silence.

"Yeah," she said with a sad voice.

"I'm sure she'll be ok," he said trying to make her feel better.

"I know," she didn't sound like she believed him.

"Why don't you go see her? I am sure she will be happy to see you, especially now. Tell her you married me and that you have a job at the hospital," he suggested. "I am sure if you tell her to keep it a secret she will be ok with that."

Mina thought about it as she gripped him harder. She was so lost in thinking about facing her grandmother that she found it hard to sleep. Instead, she listened to his heart beating away and felt the rise and fall of his chest.


The next day Mina found herself stood at the door to her grandmother's hospital room. She learned she was set for surgery that afternoon so she wanted to talk to her before she went down.

However, as hard as she could she couldn't find the courage to knock on the door. The nurses stood watching her and whispering. They wondered what could have gone on that would mean Mina was estranged from her family.

Clay walked up noticing her stood there and purposefully strode up behind her. Before Mina could register his appearance he knocked on the door and walked away.

"You'll thank me later!" he called back as she watched him walk away.

"Come in," Mina heard her grandmother's soft voice.

She took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. She wasn't sure what was going to happen but she hoped her grandmother would at least listen to her.