Moving On!

Clay nervously bit his lip as he looked up at the building that he once called home. Daniel chuckled at him as he patted him on the shoulder.

"It's going to be ok," he said in a reassuring way.

Clay nodded and finally stepped forward. They made their way upstairs to the first floor and stopped at his door. With a deep breath, he used his key and walked in. All afternoon he had imagined all kinds of things when he walked in.

He had imagined his clothes being in a box already or ripped to shreds in the bathroom. Clay also imagined Nick changing the locks or refusing to let him in. Not in any of the scenarios did he imagine what he saw.

Nick, butt naked on the couch pounding into god knows who from behind. The other guy was blindfolded so he was oblivious to their entry but Nick wasn't. He smirked at them as the other guy moaned loudly urging him to not stop.

Clay steeled himself and placed a look of indifference on his face as he walked into the bedroom. Angrily, he threw all his things into the few bags he had brought. Ironically, he didn't have that many things that were his. He had moved into Nick's place straight from university. Despite how long he had lived there, there wasn't much that belonged to him.

Once he was done he turned to the door and sighed. He had expected Daniel to follow him in but for the first time, he realised he was alone. So, he went back out into the main living room to see a young man scrambling with his clothes and rushing out. Nick was shouting at him to stay before glaring at Daniel who stood as cool as a cucumber.

They turned to him once he made his presence known. Daniel smiled and walked up to him, ignoring Nick completely.

"Did you get everything? Is there anything in here you need?"

Clay nodded, "Yeah, there's only a couple of things in here and then I'm done."

Clay slowly walked around the room putting a few things into the bags whilst Nick put some pants on. Daniel watched him and Nick like a hawk, he wasn't sure if he would do or say anything. Once Clay was done he left with Daniel following close behind. They both heard the door slam as they went and Clay sighed.

It wasn't until after they placed his bags in Daniel's car and were driving away that Daniel finally had enough of the silence. He was never a talker but Clay was and the silence was unsettling.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he eventually whispered.

"You don't sound fine."

Clay sighed once again and wiped a stray tear from his cheek. He knew Nick had done that on purpose, he really wasn't the man that he thought he was. Though if he was truly honest it didn't hurt as much as it should have. Maybe, it doesn't hurt as much since the idea of him being with someone else wasn't news to him.

"Honestly, I'm not fine, but I'm better than I thought I would be. Obviously, I didn't expect him to be having sex with someone but it doesn't hurt as much as it should have."

Daniel nodded and smiled. He wasn't sure he should be feeling happy that Nick proved himself to be a jackass once again but he was. It meant that Clay wouldn't get back together with him.

"Oh by the way. Whilst I was in the bedroom, what happened with the guy he was with? I expected him to still be going at it or for the guy to be in a heap on the sofa covered in cum."

Daniel chuckled, "Well when you left, I waited a minute or two to see if he would stop but he only ramped it up. However, I don't think the guy he was with liked the sudden speed up. Your ex wasn't being careful, so the guy shouted at him to slow down. When he didn't listen, the guy removed the blindfold and pushed Nick back. That was when he noticed me. He asked me who I was and I told him I was waiting for Nick's boyfriend to get his things as he moves out. I don't think the guy he was with knew about you and he definitely wasn't happy about it. He slapped your ex in the face and you came out as he left."

Clay started laughing and it make Daniel's heart jump. It was better than seeing the stray tear Clay had tried to hide.

"Did you get a picture?" he asked as they pulled up to the gates of his new home.

"Unfortunately no I didn't," he said as he waited for Max to open the gate.

"Who is that?" Clay asked as he watched the hulking figure of Max standing at the guardhouse.

Daniel scowled a little as they drove past and Clay continued to stare at him, even going so far as to turn in his seat to continue looking.

"That's Max, he guards the property during the day and his brother Lucas guards the house during the night."

"Please tell me he is gay too, he is too god damn sexy to be straight!"

Daniel growled and didn't speak as he parked the car and got out. He remained silent as he collected Clay's bags and walked inside. Clay followed equally as silent, though he was sure he had upset Daniel, he wasn't sure how.

'Was Max his boyfriend and he just gushed over him?' he thought.

He was so lost in his thought he banged straight into Daniel who had stopped inside Clay's room. Daniel turned in surprise and chuckled.

"Sorry," Clay blushed. "I wasn't paying attention."

Daniel put his bags down and laughed a little as Clay fidgeted. He wasn't sure why he was nervous but he liked the blush rising up his cheeks.

"Also, I'm sorry about ogling your boyfriend. I didn't mean anything by it."

Daniel gave him a confused look before the penny dropped. Then he started laughing. It was Clay's turn to look confused now.

"You think Max is my boyfriend?"

Clay continued to stare at him in confusion whilst the blush intensified.

"Max is straight and happily involved with a woman. I'll let him know you said he was too handsome to be straight," Daniel chuckled.

"Don't do that!" Clay almost yelled, the blush rising even more. "I thought you were upset with me because I ogled your boyfriend."

Daniel took a few steps forward until he was almost flush against Clay without touching him.

"I wasn't upset that you were ogling my boyfriend, I don't have one. I was upset that you were ogling another man. No matter who that man is, I'll be upset with you ogling him," Daniel said in a seductive voice, at least that was how it sounded to Clay.

Clay couldn't think or move so Daniel smirked and walked around him. Clay heard the door click shut and still stood frozen. It took several minutes before he finally spun around with his hands on his mouth.

"What the fuck just happened?"