Flashback 9

<4 years ago>

Belle clearly knew how to deal with the likes of him. Since he wanted to be famous of being such an a*s, then, she would gladly hand him a helping hand.

Director Ma was still oblivious that his 'treasures' were scattered through out the company's system and each and everyone in the company received a copy on their phones.

He walked briskly to his office and the people around him looked at him with disdain. It was though, he had a virus. They looked at him with contempt and anger. He even heard someone called him a pig but he ignored because he thought that it was for not him.

His television was still on and it was on the program that focused on the trends on the social media and online things. They would often feature viral videos and made a topic out from it.

His shameless video became an instant hit to the netizens.

"Pig! If I will see you in streets, I'll beat you until you will call me your mother!"

"Ewww!! How shameless can this fatty get?"

"Ban him! He's a shame to us men who will patiently wait for our woman to open up yet he was forcing things on them! He should be feed to dogs!"


More and more comments that was utterly harsh streamed down below the screen and he actually read it without care and kept munching the snacks he brought him back.

The faces on the video was replaced with an emoticon sign of a pig and a gagging one. The woman on the video was the latter emoticon of course.

He found it amusing and he thought it was similar to one of his 'treasures.'

The man in the video was the same as him, fat.

The woman in the video was also his type. Women with ample bosoms.

The camera zoomed in and the watch the man wore was same as his.

Wait, what?

He could only stand in panic as he realized something that was so wrong.

He hastily opened his laptop on his office desk, but he could not find his 'treasures'!

"I'm finished for sure!" he exclaimed in panic.

Those videos was his and if he did guess it correctly, they were sent to the other employees as well and he was the only one who did not receive the sent videos.

He ran around in his office like a lunatic. He grabbed some of his hair with both hands.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!! That b*tch Belle Yang! F*ck you wh*re!!!" he shouted in his office out of anger and frustration. He could not believe that Belle Yang would pull off a stunt like that towards him.

He thought that the woman was only a useless beauty! He never thought that he was facing a two-faced demon all this time.

"How dare you sl*t!!" he exclaimed while forcefully clearing his table with anger. The things went to the floor and some of it went broken.

He was huffing out from his office and directly went straight to the elevator. He wanted to see Belle after this. He wanted to confront the man but even before he reached the elevator, he received a phone call.

"Hell! Who the f*ck are you?" he asked as the number was not registered on his phone.

"I'm from the Eastern Bank sir." the voice on the other line answered calmly.

Then he went silent.

No! Not his properties! No! She can't do this to him!

"Sir?" the other person was confirming if there was still someone on the other end.

"Yes. Why did you call me?" he asked wanting to hear a different news.

"Sir, the property that you loaned to us was put in an auction today and was bought already. The new owner tasked me to inform you that you only had a week to vacate the place you stayed at." the person on the other line said in a professional manner. But, it did not help Director Ma's anger to subsided. It even raised a new bar and the last bar that was lacking for him to explode.

"Whaaat? What the f*ck are you saying?" he roared out.

"Sir, your property was long over due and it was also in the contract that you signed that if you would fail to pay the amount in one year, the bank will have to pull the property you were staying as a compensation." the clerk explained patiently to him even though he wanted to strangle Director Ma to death because of his disrespect.

He did not say anything afterwards. He plopped down to the floor kneeling while gripping his phone.

"Director Ma!" a sweet voice called him from his back and he turned around forlornly. It was the young secretary he met at the boardroom.

"What do you need?" he asked the secretary while getting back up with his knees.

"The CEO has something for you." the young secretary said and handed a white folder to him.

"What is it?" he asked and grabbed the folder angrily from the secretary.

"TERMINATION ORDER" is the first one he read. That was enough to render him speechless.

The young secretary was gloating his misfortune. She withdrew her presence discretely.

He stood rooted there like a monument.