Night Visit

The night was about to conclude and the palace of country S lacked light. It actually looked eerie but a certain individual found it rather exciting. She was rushing towards the direction of the palace entrance with the adrenaline pumping hard within her.

Though it was called a palace, there's no semblance of it from the actual palaces from the norm. It was a towering inverted pyramid building that had a state of the art security system.


It was his home and territory. Whoever trespassed surely would meet his creator sooner than he expected.

It was such late at night yet he was expecting a visitor.

A towering figure was holding a wine goblet -standing behind the huge monitor room in the palace. He was clad with a silk robe contouring his well proportioned body.

Sipping slowly his red wine, he watched Belle's figure traversing carefully under the surveillance camera.

Being careful of not being caught by the owner of the house, she jumped, rolled and crawled under the laser lights. As she stick her body close to the wall while nearing the destined place, he could not help but be amused over the woman on the screen. He had that faint smile on his lips before he gulped down the remaining wine.

He disappeared into the darkness leaving the empty wine goblet behind the monitor room.

She could not understand why such place was having a security tighter than the Yang Empire's vault. She could not understand such fetishes of the royals.

Are all palaces have tight security? She hoped not because she knew it will not be the last she will do something so ridiculous as this.

She could only inwardly sigh for now because she has to tip toe because of the sensors on the floor which she was in. The building was inverted so was the floors. The more number added on the elevator, she was descending more to the underneath.

She have to accomplish the mission she set which was to pass her proposal to the leader of country S. She will not leave this country until she will not have a talk to that person.

Call it reckless but she will only accept the best results. She will not accept failure when she know a way to meet the mysterious leader of this country.

It was another empty place. The floors above were also empty. Could it be that no one is around here?

Belle pondered it for a moment but her instinct tells her that someone is watching her every move. She's not alone in this building and maybe it was the mysterious leader of country S.

She left he katana in Ren's care so that she could move freely. The poor Ren Tao was left behind at the entrance to stand guard it before she returns.

According to the data she gathered, she will about to reach the last floor of the inverted pyramid. She rejoiced a little. She just hoped that there's no booby traps around the last floor. True enough, it was just an empty space and a couch on the middle. It looked suspicious but she will not back down now that she's here.

The man who observed her in the monitor room appeared right behind her and she did not notice of his presence until now.

'This woman, how could she ignore me!' the man thought. He was just right behind Belle during the entire time she alighted the elevator yet she did not notice the other person's presence.

She could have died by her recklessness.

As the man watched her from her back, he had that faint smile on his lips. He was eyeing Belle without her knowing. She on the other hand just waited until someone will appear in front of her except for supernatural things. She has a knack on those.

He discovered that the woman is quite beautiful. She had that majestic airs around her and dangerous at the same time. The more he studied her figure discretely, the more fascinated he become. Her long black hair was tied into a pony tail. He wanted to hug her from behind but he held his urge. She doesn't know him neither he is. He just knew her as the visitor of this late night.

He did not know what kind of business she brought with her but he will be accommodating her as a proper host.

Not long after, Belle found herself sitting on the couch as she waited someone to come in. She took out the USB from her pocket and tossed it on the small table. She clearly saw beforehand that there was no table with the couch. It just popped in there.

Seeing the USB, the man hastened his steps towards Belle but not enough to be noticed by her. She could not tell that there was another person in the room all this while.

"I wish I could meet him or her. Whoever the man is, I have to talk about the business proposal." she blurted her thoughts out as she thinks that she's alone in the room.

The man raised his brow upon hearing this and had that faint smile again. He thought of the woman as amusing and crafty. Not many businessmen came to country S has been successful in meeting him. Belle was one of the few.

An hour has long passed and there's no sign of anyone would meet her, she got from the couch and prepared to leave. She just left the USB on the table.

The man on the other hand, smiled upon seeing the woman's figure leaving the floor. He did not show his face during the entire time because he thought of something else. He could meet her anytime. Not everyone will forget that kind of beauty when they passed by at your front.

Belle alighted the elevator once again and pressed the button for the first floor. As she did not meet the person she looked and the mission she set was half failed already, she slouched her shoulders and pouted her lips out of annoyance and disappointment.

Back at the room, the man sat down where Belle has sat and began to reminisce the figure of the woman he had seen that late night. He got the USB before getting out of the room and proceeded to another.

He had that faint smile on his lips.

"Hmm... Interesting." he muttered on his deep voice before he completely disappeared into the darkness.