

Where is your husband, Adam asked Alma after checking the island with his sensing...

He is still training the new guys after how many decades, I am still wondering if he loves his job more than me ~ Alma pouted as she conveyed her opinion while playing the flute, she sounded mad but one could see that her eye was shining with love as she was talking about her husband.

You know that fool and his job, always taking the job so seriously all the time ~ Raheem said while drinking his wine.

Raheem what would it take you to shut the fuck up ~ Zach then walked up to Adam and patted his back telling the dude that he should learn how to shave his beard because of how Adam's beard was.

Then they heard Raheem screaming as he was being tied up like a mummy as he was being beaten by the trees.

As powerful as Raheem is, he won't have felt the beating he was getting but we are talking Alma, there is no way that she will whip you and you won't feel a thing even her husband won't be pardoned, he is even afraid of his wife than he is with God.

Alma called this technique, the Irony of life, this technique will make you regret doing the thing you did that made Alma get pissed at you.

* Hahaha* Zach was laughing at Raheem as his ass was getting whopping by Alma, even his pet companion ignored him as he was getting his nap, he felt he deserve it after he treated it...

Alma senses something as she increases the pressure she was using on Raheem.

Love, can you please release Raheem, a beautiful male angel whose clothes were made out of pure light flap his powerful wings toward the garden of Eden.

Alma nodded her head with an intoxicated love look and a smile that brightens the garden, the tree slowly removes there the vine, and the mummy wrap Raheem was slowly revealed, as the vine slowly release Raheem it gave him a pat on his back and waving his branch as if he was telling to behave and he should be a good boy, then slowly the branch returned to normal.

The angel that just flew in to join the squad and also beg his wife to release Raheem is called Jophiel which means the "beauty of God", he was the one that God sends to expel Adam and Eve from the island after they have sinned by eating the forbidden fruit, he warned them not to eat, he was also the assign to protect the garden from anyone or anything, he has been doing so for thousands of years, before his brother Micheal who felt it would be better to set a trap and take a break once in a while from killing anyone who tries to infiltrate the island, so Micheal invited the best in the whole realm and planes, Lord Hephaestus, to help them build the trap, but Lord Hephaestus arrived with his precious granddaughter Alma when Jophiel meet Alma, the two fell in love and with the blessing of Lord Hephaestus they did a simple Heartsoul marriage with close friends and family, of course, not in the island but at the palmyra island, North pacific on earth at that it was cavemen who saw them.

Heart soul marriage is one of the most painful marriages in the realm because it has to do with people who are seriously in love.

After all, it has to do with separating your heart and soul at the same time than swapping the same time with there life partner, it also dangerous because it is anything happen at that time, it can affect their cultivation even worst death or an enemy can take it and the enemy can either use control them or kill them, but who there do that with the little amount of powerful deity that is around and also there is nothing like divorce, you can never remove your spouse, heart soul again unless you want to die.

The heart soul Marriage also has it's own benefits, it benefits the couple with their cultivation, the spouse can sense each other locations in any realm.