Business Deals

'Oh wait' Daisy said on her way to the airport. 'Are we having a traditional wedding or a court marriage?'

'We are going to Vegas Daisy. I have my friends book a chapel there. There will be a traditional exchange of vows followed by the signing of the requisite documents. Why do you ask?' Tom replied.

'Well, do you have a best man and thing like that?'

'Are you thinking of inviting your sister because I don't like the idea of her knowing how she treats you.' Tom clarified.

'No, I was thinking of inviting Stella. In the two days that we have known each other we have grown really close. She has a good head and a good heart.' Daisy explained.

'Gregory' Tom called out to the driver who was driving the car. 'We need to make a stop before the airport. Daisy give him the address.'

Daisy did as told and was soon parked outside Stella's apartment complex. 'Do you have her number?' Tom asked.

Daisy shook her head as Tom opened the door for her. She slid out with Tom on her heels as she went to talk to Stella.

Stella was wearing a creme coloured tank top and printed pajamas when she came to open the door. As she took in Daisy's form her face appeared to visibly relax. It was evident that she was worrying. 'Were you with Mendoza the whole night? Did you have sex?' Stella sounded alarmed.

Tom gave a faux cough to draw their attention. 'She was actually with me.' He clarified.

'Ah! And you must be the mysterious Tom. How dare you block her?' Stella accused. Tom found it a little amusing that Stella knew that he blocked her but her next words cut him deeply. 'Do you realize she has been crying herself to sleep every night since?'

In reality Tom had not realized that Daisy would be so adversely affected by his absence. Truth be told apart from the desire to have an heir the reason Tom thought of this proposition was to have an excuse to still contact Daisy when she was fed of him. She would tolerate his presence for the sake of the child. This much Tom could understand of her character.

Daisy punched Stella in the arm, blushing at the accusations when Tom smiled wistfully. 'I don't plan to block her ever again and so we are right now going to Vegas to make it legal. Do you want to be the best maid?' Tom asked.

'Aren't I supposed to be the one making the request?' Daisy jutted her chin.

'You are the one asking Daisy, I am the one conveying the message whilst you are busy blushing to your toe.' Tom teased.

'Wait! You mean today? You are getting married TODAY?' It was Stella's turn to be flabbergasted.

Tom and Daisy nodded their head in sync.

'But what about the bridesmaid dress?' she asked.

'What about it?' Tom countered.

'I don't have one.' Stella said.

' But you have so many pretty dresses.' Daisy said.

'But they aren't bridesmaid dresses.' Stella argued.

'Tell me your size. I will get you something to wear. It pays to have a best friend who owns several fashion labels. Will Madame M do for you as well or do you want Amber Paint or Turquoise Turk?' Tom offered.

'Your best friend is Rupert Mornington? Shut the fuck.' Stella gasped. Daisy who was not quite familiar with fashion labels looked clueless. 'If I can have Madame M why will I want anything else?' she decided. With that they prepared for the wedding to take place in a few hours.

When they arrived at the plane waiting for them was not a Cessna. 'How did you imagine getting us all to Vegas on a Cessna?' A man almost Tom's age with extremely blue eyes and copper hair said. Beside Daisy Stella was almost drooling. ''re Rupert Mornington.' It was more of a statement.

'And you must be the bridesmaid, size 6, good curves, five five.' Rupert said quoting her statistics blandly. Stella blushed at his detached statement when she heard another voice in her support. 'Cut it out Bert. She is new to the flock. Don't act the bully.' The sound came from behind her but that was not what startled Stella. It was the fact that the voice was very familiar. She turned around to find Frederick Bartolli strolling towards her.

'I am sorry Ms. Wilson. My apologies. It is just not every day when a guy is called up by his best friend to go shopping for women's clothes for a woman he has never seen. You should have sent Fred since he knew both. Am I right?' Rupert said turning to Tom for the last part.

It was Fred who answered however. 'I could have done it but Daisy's wedding dress was held up in management. I would have had to buy something different.' Fred explained.

Tom was snickering at his friend's banter when he realized that Fred had a bag in his hand. 'You went shopping?' he asked.

'Someone had to buy the rings.' He said and threw a box at Tom who deftly caught it between two fingers. 'That's the engagement one. If it fits I am sure about the other one.' He smiled.

'Daisy, may I?' Tom asked Daisy who was feeling a bit overwhelmed by all this testosterone. She nodded shyly and extended her hands when Tom slid a ring with a large diamond up her fingers. Stella's eyes widened at the size of the stone. Daisy too was rendered speechless. It was a perfect fit though and Tom beamed in joy.

'Who is yet to arrive?' Stella asked Tom. 'Don't tell me that you are expecting the Chairman as well.' she teased. At that Tom pressed his lips trying to fight a smile while the other two men started guffawing.

'What did I say wrong?' Stella asked.

'Nothing Ms. Wilson. You just asked the wrong person. As it is Tom only told us to get the gang here so I took it upon us to invite everyone. Half of us are actually at Vegas right now. They took off in the Cessna about an hour back. And the Chairman was not among them.' Fred clarified.

As they went inside the Lear that was waiting for them there were a few people that Stella recognized and only one person whom Daisy knew. Dr. Andrew Williams was the man responsible for her agreeing to the entire thing.

'Ms. Durant.' he greeted her with the faint tone of surprise evident in his voice. 'When I advised you to get busy I had no idea that you would manage to snag the most eligible bachelor in the country.' he teased.

'Andy!' It was Tom's flustered voice. 'It's your doing. We are marrying to have a baby. We are both old enough for it. It's not like she is in love with me or anything and I would be making this announcement when we gather at the chapel but I would like all of you to respect this marriage as a business decision, an investment of sorts. Every businessman needs an heir and that is the goal here.' He concluded.

Everyone gasped at the clinical tone with which Tom explained everything. Only Fred's eyes were focused on Daisy and her un-shed tears. He didn't say anything though and everyone got into the seats as the flight took off.

As Daisy did the seat belts she reminded herself that she wasn't a woman who could ask for a happily ever after. At least being a part of this sham marriage would allow her to experience the same motions that a woman would otherwise experience in life, not to mention providing legitimacy to her unborn child. She forced herself to smile knowing that no one was looking for it. Stella chose to sit with Rupert Mornington, clearly having a crush on him.

Dr. William sat with a woman of what appeared to be Hispanic origin who kept whispering in his ears. On another side sat a man whom Daisy had seen on a news clip about a Broadway show. Apparently he was Rupert Mornington's brother, Henry. He was sitting with a wistful expression towards where his brother sat chatting up Stella, clearly not approving of their connection. Daisy forced herself to not look at the man sitting beside her. He might see too much in her eyes at that very moment and she didn't want to get things weird between them. As the plane took off however Daisy involuntarily reached for his hands and he obliged. When the plane was mid flight and her hand still in that of Tom did realization truly set in that she was getting married.