Promises Old and New

'Now you are mine, whether you want me or not.' he whispered into his newly wedded bride's ears and saw her gasp visibly. He knew he had tricked her into marrying him. That is what demons do. They trick people. But Daisy was innocent and clueless. She wouldn't pick up on his devilish schemes that easily. Tom knew Daisy cared for him and that made his heart soar. In the brief acquaintance they had Tom knew more of her than she did of him and he chose to make her believe that he was a good innocent Barista with powerful friends. Only once had his mask slipped when he couldn't help his urge to punish the man who had caused her pain. But she had let it slide.

They were in Vegas and Tom wanted to have a proper wedding feast after the wedding. One of his hotels in the vicinity had been ordered to prepare a befitting buffet. Tom looked at Daisy and took in her dazed appearance. Perhaps she wasn't happy with the fact that Tom was eager to claim his propriety on her. He didn't mean to word his claim like that but when it came to Daisy he did feel a possessive streak he had not felt for anyone. Daisy, like him, literally had no one. Mallory and her were not related by blood. Talking of bloodlines Daisy was as much an orphan like him. Friend-wise he was perhaps lucky. He looked around and took in all the happy faces, faces that danced with mirth at his joy, because he was finally looking forward to something. The paperwork was done quietly without anyone saying a word. Tom held Daisy's hand as he was about to step out of the chapel.

'Last Chance Daisy. Are you sure you want this?' Tom whispered when he noticed the tears glistening in her eyes. Of course she didn't want this. She didn't want him. She only wanted a child and it wouldn't matter whose it would be. But was that enough reason to curse her with a devil spawn. Fear clouded Tom's face as he took in her tears and he hung his head in shame.

'GUYS!!!' he called out to his friends. 'I CAN'T DO THIS. WE ARE GETTING AN ANNULMENT.' He shouted.

Suddenly the entire room fell quiet. Daisy, who hadn't quite recovered from the initial shock of Tom's admission collapsed at his words. Tom was however by her side to catch her. When she opened her eyes Daisy was on a soft bed in an opulent room. 'Where am I?' she asked faintly. Immediately Tom was by her side.

'We are at Marilyn International. It's the penthouse. You fainted and I brought you here. We are still in Vegas. I didn't think it wise to let you ride a jet while you are unconscious.' he explained. Then he finally added. 'We also have to finalize the annulment.'

Suddenly it all came back to her. The wedding and Tom's admission and then his sudden change of mood and finally his declaration at which dark clouds had engulfed her. This time it was her chance to bow her head in acceptance. 'I am alright now. We can go right now.'

'It's three in the morning. Let's wait for the sun to rise.' Tom whispered. Then he helplessly added. 'Let me have a family for just a few more hours.'

Daisy sharply turned towards him. 'You are the one who wants an annulment.' she reminded him.

'I can't trap you with me just because of how comfortable I feel with you. You deserve love Daisy and a man to cherish you and whom you can be proud of.' Tom admitted.

'Why can't you be that man Tom?' Daisy asked.

It was Tom's turn to be surprised. 'I...I...' he faltered in his words. 'I don't know what love is Daisy. I have never experienced it in real life. I know pleasure. I don't know love. And to come to think of it do you think you can ever be proud to be mine?' Tom asked her but the question seemed much more like a statement.

'Julia said something to me about what you think of yourself. You think you are born of evil. But do you think any life can be formed without the will of God? Legitimate, illegitimate, these are laws of society to dictate hesitance and family structure. You really think God will differentiate between you and a legitimate child because of your mother's profession?' Daisy demanded.

'The promised land of eternal Jerusalem belongs to Isaac and not Ishmael.' Tom said stubbornly.

'But Perez was not legitimate. Rahab was a prostitute. Does that make Jesus devil spawn as well? And if it does then where is the promised land of eternal Jerusalem coming from?' Daisy countered.

Tom was gaping at her. 'The orphanage I was adopted from was run by a church. Every year on my birthday the orphanage would send me books about the Bible and Virgin Mary. Ultimately it stopped when I turned protestant on my eighteenth birthday. But my curiosity continued. I can give you a run for your money on this.' Daisy claimed.

'My biological father was the same celibate priest who brought me up till the age of fifteen when he told me that I was born of the devil and did not deserve to live on holy grounds.' Tom said.

'Are you trying to top my story?' Daisy asked. Tom shook his head gravely. 'I am telling you the truth of who I am.'

'What is the promise Tom?' Daisy beseeches him. Tom frowned not understanding her question. Then she continued. 'The promise is the forgiveness of sins for those who believe and those who obey.' Daisy continued. 'You clearly believe, Tom. Why is it so hard to obey?'

'I have got my loyalties mixed up since a very long time.' Tom shrugged.

'So you are a devil worshipper.' Daisy said sarcastically.

'No of course not.' Tom protested.

'Tom, I want you to understand something. I don't have anyone in my life. As a friend I want you and if I can have you with me for the rest of my life I will cherish you whether you are able to reciprocate that or not.' Daisy confessed.

'You mean it?' Tom asked dumbfounded.

'Yes Tom, I mean every word of it.' Daisy emphasized.

'Daisy, you mean more to me than anything. You are not just my friend. You are my family now and that is something I have never had and I promise you that as long as you want me by your side I will never fail you and even if you don't want me I will always be there in the shadow to keep you safe from anything and everything.' Tom promised.

The tears that had been threatening Daisy since morning finally broke forth. 'Thank you Tom. That is the best thing anyone ever told me.' Daisy whispered.

'So does that mean you don't want an annulment?' Tom asked still a bit unsure.

'It was your idea to get married and yours to get the annulment. I just want you in my life in any way I can. When you blocked me I felt empty. In the process if I can get a miniature version of you I have no complaint in life.' Daisy promised.

'The feeling is mutual Daisy. No annulment, not divorce. We are together till death do us apart. That is the promise.' Tom beamed at her.

The return of his smile brightened Daisy's already tear stained face. She moved forward hoping for a hug, the kind that only Tom had ever graced her with but what she got was something she never imagined.

Tom's lips touched hers as they moved in closer, moulding into hers with a gentleness that could rival the touch of rose petals. His breath smelled of peppermints and cloves. Odd combination, Daisy thought. Her body responded to the kiss in ways she could not imagine. Daisy felt the heat building in the pit of her stomach. Tom held her gently, delicately while all she wanted to do was crash her body onto him. Daisy was surprised at her own train of thoughts. Taking advantage of her surprised gasp Tom slid his tongue in her mouth exploring her with gentle strokes, stoking the passion that lay buried inside. Daisy hardly remembered being kissed like that. When Toms hands went to her hips to pull her closer things changed.

Daisy jerked back at the intimate touch, tears again threatening her eyes. Tom was left gaping at her hasty retreat.

'Did I do something wrong?' Tom asked her.

Daisy shook her head. 'My's defiled.' she said looking away.

Tom smirked. He remembered what she had told him of her past. 'This body that you are talking of is no longer yours. It is mine and I plan to cherish every inch of it. I will wash all your wounds with my devotion for you and I will heal all your hurts with my loyalty. To me you are the embodiment of purity and I will do everything in my power to keep your innocence intact. he promised.

Daisy looked at him to see if he were joking. But his face revealed not a trace of humour. Only a passionate zeal that she was beginning to love.


Daisy closed her eyes reminding herself of the relationship that they shared. It mattered more to her than petty one-sided feelings. It meant more to her than anything else.