Chance to earn more money!

God knows after how long, the men stopped hitting her. Then they forced her to wear torn clothes to make her look more pitiful.

Since then Liu Juan was wandering on streets and begging.

When she came back, the men collected all the money from her and then pleasured themselves at night with her.

The same routine happened every day. Now, Liu Juan had become a dead shell. She became a body without a soul. She didn't want to live. In fact, her life had become so miserable that she had forgotten her promise to her big sister that she would come and save her.

There were multiple times when Liu Juan had tried to commit suicide. However, the coxing fox, the third man seemed to read her mind. He was always prepared to foil Liu Juan's suicide attempts. Every time, Liu Juan tried to kill herself, he came just in time and didn't let her wish to be fulfilled.