Kill both the brothers!

Bo Xiao was badly injured and was being supported by two team members while making his way to the target place. 

"757 come here and help me." Bo Xiao commanded Liu Juan and then said two members "You two, go and help other members. I am okay with 757."

Both the team members had odd expressions on their faces as they knew Bo Xiao was badly injured and was unable to walk properly so how could the weak Liu Juan help him? As it was already enough that Liu Juan was able to walk by herself.

Nevertheless, they didn't question him and did as Bo Xiao commanded. 

Liu Juan also felt strange as she knew that she couldn't support him properly but she did what Bo Xiao commanded like the other two team members did. 

Liu Juan supported him by having his arms on her shoulders and dragged him with her. Liu Juan was alone and weak and her steps were also unsteady which was effecting Bo Xiao's wounds and made him cringe in pain.

"Can't you walk properly?"