Rusty hedge trimmer

The man looked up gratefully.

Laila stepped sideways beside him.

"I'll help you. These fingers should never hurt innocent children again."

With these words, she grabbed the rusty hedge trimmer and silently separated four fingers of his left hand.

The man screamed so loud that his veins were prominent on his neck.

Laila also cut his thumb.

His fingers lay on the ground, looking like deformed cocktail sausages.

He was bleeding like a pig.

'How fitting' she thought.

The man screamed and screamed.

Laila took a piece of kitchen towel from the hook and stuffed it deeply into his wide-open mouth. Now the screams were only muffled to hear.

He was bleeding and bleeding.

She saw, heard, tasted, and felt it all through a wall of cotton wool.

A scary calm spread in her.

Astonished, Laila looked at the twitching stumps of his deformed hand.

She saw bones, sinews, and lots of blood.

"Shit, if I'm not in a hurry, you're not going to get the grand finale. But I wanted to devote so much more time to you."

With honest regret in her voice, she stepped to his right side and cut off the five fingers of his right hand with two quick cuts.

The man reared up in his shackles as if chasing 1,000 volts through his body and trying to get up from his chair.

The wood of the old chair crashed under the strain and Laila was afraid the old material would give way.

But the chair stopped.

Mr. Jellyfish was now dark red in the face in his eyes many veins had burst.

His eyes reminded her of the old vampire movies with Christopher Lee.

Laila tried not to step on one of the cut fingers, she had the crazy idea that they could crawl up her trouser leg and grope her under her clothes.

For a moment she thought that she was well on her way to losing her mind.

The man was still trying to rear up.

His attempts were weak and unsuccessful.

His fat belly was moving in waves, still shouting dully through the kitchen towel.

A stream of hot, stinking urine splashed against her thigh and soaked her jeans.

Disgust overcame her, with no liquid of this creature she wanted to be sullied.

At the same time, Laila was ashamed of the tortures poor Jessica had endured.

Probably the pig had choked her to death at his first orgasm from sheer lust.

She took a deep breath.

"That's for Jessica!"

With these words she grabbed him between the legs, closed her fingers tightly around his cock and pulled until he looked out from under the huge wall.

Cavernous bodies are muscles and under stress quite extensible—if one disregards the intensity of the pain.

God, that thing was disgusting and slippery from his sweat and urine.

The hedge trimmer was too big for her to use in this position.

Laila swore and pulled.

The screams behind the kitchen towel were surprisingly loud.

The chair slid on the wooden floor.

So she did not get ran.

Laila pulled again with his right hand and brought the hedge trimmer from above in position.

The whole man vibrated and twitched.

She looked down, checking the position of the hedge trimmer.

But with one hand she could not squeeze the two handles, they were too far apart.

Laila stepped to the left, assessing the angle, dropped the lower handle of the hedge trimmer on his right thigh, and lowered the upper handle with her left hand.

The man jerked wildly in the chair and Laila had to shift all her weight to the handle.

Ultimately, her effort was rewarded with a wet tearing.

With a rich 'Splash' part of his masculinity fell to the ground.

The girl turned around, the hedge trimmer clattered to the ground.

She took a big step against the wall, leaning against it and sliding slowly down her until she was sitting on the floor with her bottom.

With her legs stretched out, she fished a crumpled packet of cigarettes out of her trouser pocket, shook out a butt and put out the lighter.

Laila lit the cigarette and inhaled the smoke deep into her lungs with her eyes closed.

Slowly, she released the smoke and forced herself to look at her work.

Apparently Laila had caught the main artery of the left thigh with the tips of her scissors.

The blood spurted out in the rhythm of his slowing heartbeat.

A considerable amount of blood had formed around the chair.

How much blood was in the human body? 5 liters?