
A coffee machine

When it was over, she opened her eyes exhausted. She was sitting alone in the bubbling hot tub. She was shaking with fear. Whether dream or reality, if she felt well and secure in the presence of such a monster, that could only mean one thing. She was a despicable creature herself.

Laila checked out the next morning and informed Ben that she was on her way to meet with her clients. After three unnerving months of interviews and evaluations, it was clear that her last assignment would take her to the holy city, Rome. Laila was looking forward to first-class latte macchiato and pasta and the prospect of finally being able to finish her life as a contract killer.

When she arrived in Rome, she made her first trip to the Sistine Chapel. She had the feeling to profane this holy place with her presence. Defiantly, Laila settled down to pray. Belinda Hammersfield had to die and Laila would dance on her grave.


The flight to America was without complications. Laila thought of Summersby, sleeping peacefully in an expensive oak casket in the cargo hold of the plane. The Italian delegation's all-round carefree package included the cargo transfer in Huston. Summersby would travel to his destination in the wooden box.

The Italians had advised Laila against it. Summersby would be supplied with oxygen for a sufficient period of time, but the sleeping aid had been dosed exactly for the duration of the flight. Laila estimated that they had at least a four-hour drive to get to Dick's cabin from the airport.

Should Summersby spend this time in full consciousness in the confines and darkness of his wooden box. Laila would not disturb his knocking and kicking. There would be music in her ears. In the early afternoon the plane landed at Huston Airport. The Italians worked quickly and efficiently.

A gray-haired man in noble Armanizwirn supervised the loading of the coffin in the provided night blue Volvo. He moved elegantly and had the confident demeanor of a politician. He handed Laila the car keys. "You're the last vehicle we set off, your partner drives the first car, he's ..." He glanced at his expensive Cartier watch. "... drove off about 3 hours ago, two vehicles followed at 45 minutes intervals." He looked at Laila seriously. "You have a problem."

Laila looked at him worriedly. "We tried everything possible to put him in the last car, but ..." He sighed. "... decide what happens to him, please follow me." Laila did not suspect anything good when she accompanied him to a dark Mercedes. The gray-haired Italian knocked on the dark pane.

The dark glass slid down. In the back seat sat a gagged and bound man. As soon as he saw Laila and the gray-haired, he began to tug at his fetters. Laila looked surprised at the Italian. "Who is this?"

Grimly he looked at the man in the back seat, who protested with great effort against his gag. "Your partner tells you to call him." He held out a cell phone to Laila. "Just press the green handset twice." Laila used the phone and after the second ring Benedict picked up. "Yes?"

"Ben, this is Laila."

"Ah, have you already found our stubborn friend?"

"Who is that, Ben?"

"Danielle's father." Laila looked at the man in the backseat. "Why is he still here?"

"Because he's an asshole."

"You're welcome?"

"He really wanted to drive with you and Summersby, I was hoping our Italian friends could change his mind, so I'm just going to go in. I suggest you take him in. Just leave him gagged and tied, the guy is standing right next to him. "

"See you soon." Laila broke the connection.

The Italian spread his arms. "What now?"

"Take him to the Volvo."

"Tonino gives you his best regards, it's in the backseat. " Curious, Laila peered at the huge box and opened the enclosed envelope. "For the devilish angel, La dolce vita, Tonino". Laila tore the sky blue wrapping paper.

A coffee machine and two kilos of the finest Italian coffee beans. Laila grinned. La dolce vita - certainly fit well with Canada. Laila drove in silence on the lonely country road. It was 6:00 pm. In about three hours they would reach the hut. She felt Danielle's father stare at her from the side.

From behind she heard a dull thud. Summersby had woken up about 20 minutes ago. Laila felt tired and irritable. Only the thought of her farm in Canada kept her somewhat in the mood. Laila glanced at Danielle's father with a look. "Will you behave if I release your gag?"

Without looking, Laila felt his eager nod. So she drove the Volvo to the side of the road and removed the tape from his mouth. "Thanks, please, I'm terribly thirsty." "Sorry, I'm not prepared for a picnic."

He nodded toward the Volvo's big glove box. "In there, I saw the Italians stock the vehicles." Laila dubiously opened the glove box. She grinned. In fact, the all-round carefree package. In the glove compartment were two small bottles of Pelligrino, Italian mineral water.

Laila opened the lid of a bottle and held it to Danielle's father's lips. He swallowed greedily, while the water ran out of his mouth to his right and left and wet the collar of his expensive polo shirt. "Thank you. Please untie me." Laila looked at him impassively. "No."

"What the hell are you imagining? I've been taking care of your finances for years ... mpfh" Laila pressed the tape tight over his lips.

She looked at him seriously. "Listen, you did a first-class job for me, and I brought your daughter's killer for that, see, I myself lost a loved one long ago, and if I were in your place, I'd kill the pig, and It's only for your own good if the shackles stay where they are, claim your revenge, but not now, can I remove the tape? " He closed his eyes in resignation.

Laila interpreted it as a sign of his approval. She jerked down the tape. The skin around his mouth was very red. Tears ran down his face. "Danielle is dead?" Laila sighed. "None of his victims lives anymore." The man started to cry. "I thought, I hoped ...." He fell silent, sobbing. Laila herself took a sip of water and stowed the bottle in the glove compartment. "Can we continue?" He nodded.

Back on the road, they drove silently for a while. Slowly Danielle's father calmed down. After all, the man had had several years to prepare for the inevitable. Laila switched to fifth gear. "What's your name again?"

"Joseph Rüttli And you, you are Belinda Hammersfield?"

"First of all."

"Did Danielle, did the children have to suffer?" Laila chose her words wisely.

"They've been snatched from the protection of their families, they certainly were scared, but no child was tortured or abused during their lifetime." The photos of the boys and girls who were forced by Summersby to smile at the camera hovered in her mind's eye. "What did he do with you?"

"He did not sexually abuse her, if you want to know that." Joseph Rüttli's voice lolled loudly through the passenger compartment.