
Her last job

Laila drove the Volvo into the forest. Clearly the tire tracks of the three cars were to be seen, who had taken this direction before her. Laila turned off the path and reached the clearing. Ben had already set up and ignited numerous pitch torches. Laila parked the car next to the waiting group. Seven parents and Ben watched tense on the Volvo. Laila got out. She searched for Ben with her eyes.

Her eyes slid back to a tall man with full hair and a well-cropped face. Ben's new look took some getting used to. His brother had made a surgical masterpiece on him. Laila was not sure if old Ben did not like her better. He approached her. "Everything OK?" He tried to read Laila's face. Laila shrugged. "So far."

She turned to the Volvo and helped Danielle's father get out. Two women shrieked from the group and rushed to Laila and the Swiss. Amazed, Laila saw that a father was fiddling with a gun from his jacket and was about to point the weapon at the banker. Ben stood up in front of them and raised his arms.

"Stop, this is not Summersby!" The women stopped, the man lowered the weapon to the ground. Behind Laila, Danielle's father tugged violently at his shackles. "Christ, tie me free, I almost got killed." Ben hurried behind him and drew a knife. Laila turned to the Swiss. Behave yourself, or I'll put you to sleep. "

Fearfully he backed away from Laila and joined the group of parents. Laila heard him boasting and loudly announcing his position as 'Swiss Bank Director'. Laila rolled her eyes. Together with Ben she pushed the casket on the sack truck. It was very exhausting to transport the heavy cargo over the soft forest floor.

They put the casket down beside the spot Dick had chosen as Laila's final resting place. Laila turned to the waiting parents as Ben fetched the two tool boxes from the Volvo. Laila pushed her dark hair behind her ears. She studied the company waiting in front of her. Their clients expected an explanation.

Ben put down the boxes next to the casket. Laila cleared her throat hoarsely. Her voice was shrill as she addressed her clients. "Unfortunately, I could not save their children, they were already dead." Some women and men began to sob. Most, however, continued to stare at Sam. "The killer of her children is tied up in there, he lives." Laila pointed to the oak coffin. "You can find tools in the boxes, so you can open the coffin with it and do whatever you want with it."

Laila looked at Danielle's father. "In the coffin is a black leather wallet I want to warn you The content will give you cruel details about the demise of your sons and daughters .. Think well if you want to expose yourself to the cruel truth They are dead, maybe you should that's enough. " A murmur went through the group, quietly the individual couples consulted each other.

The Swiss banker looked at Laila as if she were a disgusting insect. Laila pointed to the raised earth. "There's a glass casket in there, I have no idea how long a human can survive in it until he's stifled by a lack of oxygen." She took a deep breath. "I offer you the unique opportunity to take revenge on the killer of your children."

Laila lit a cigarette. "You have a cigarette-length of time to consult if you want to do the revenge yourself, and my partner and I will take off with the Volvo, or ..."

Laila pulled on her cigarette again. "... or you decide on Plan B. You have paid a lot of money to find your children and your children 's kidnapper, because unfortunately I could not save a child alive, I offer you the pig for free To lay glass coffin and leave it to its fate, our ways will then separate, never again contact us. "

Laila looked at her cigarette. "Your time is running." Ben stepped to her side and gripped her upper arm painfully. "What was just driving into you?" Laila looked at him. "Maybe the devil?"

"Do not talk such a nonsense, what's that?" She saw the worried look in his eyes. "Ben, would you like to go to Canada with me?"

"What is this now?"

"I asked you a question."

"You're asking innocent people for a murder here, so you do not seriously want an answer to that question."

"All these years, it did not bother you that you supported me in the murder, where are your moral misgivings coming from?" He looked at her completely at a loss.

"Laila, you are a stranger to me."

"Forget Ben. You do not need to answer the question."

"Why that?" Laila kicked her cigarette out on the forest floor. "Because you already answered her." She left him and went to her clients.

The Swiss banker came up to them, he had probably been appointed spokesman or made himself, logically. I hope you do not expect any thanks, the Moor has done his duty, the Moor can go, we take care of the pig ourselves. " Laila looked past him. The other parents looked down on the floor.

Without a word she turned around. Ben was already behind the wheel of the Volvo. Laila sat down beside him. Slowly he turned the Volvo and drove on. "Let the windows down." Laila asked him. Ben operated the power windows. Slowly the Volvo slipped through the night.

From a distance, Laila could hear shrill screams. Summersby or the vengeful parents - she did not care. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. Her last job, never showtime again.