Chapter 2: One Step to Heaven

"AHHHH!" a horrifying scream could be heard through out the Forest. It sounded like a wild beast was being ripped apart.

In truth, that was the case for me. My body was being ripped apart and heal continuously, as each of the 7 bloodlines want to be the dominant one. The king of my body, so each of them is fighting for dominant.

Any knowledgeable cultivator would know that it is never a good idea to integrate all 7 bloodlines at the same time. As this would lead to the bloodlines fighting each other to be the dominant one, and can cause the destruction of body and soul of the cultivator.

WELL! I'M NOT A KNOWLEDGEABLE CULTIVATOR OK! Sure I read a lot of novels, but who can actually confirmed that they are true?

In my dantian the 7 beasts continue their fighting, all the beasts seemed to start slowing down as they getting tire. That is until the Infinite Star Beast seem to have enough. The Star Beast look very similar to the Monkey King, the only difference was that its fur color was pitch black with twinkling star all over its body. Just like a universe. With a terrifying roar, its size continuously grow until its size is that of a galaxy, out of it back grow 4 arms. It look like demon god has descend into this world. Each of its arm grabbed one of the beasts, and beginning to absorb their energy. The 6 other beasts roar in indignantly as their bloodline being absorbed into the Star Beast. But there was nothing they can do but watch as they being absorb.

The Star Beast star to change, each of its arms now become an arm of each of the beast its absorb. With one final roar the Star Beast has proven itself that it is the king of all beasts. And the bloodline start to calm as now there is a king in charge.

Once the bloodline has finish integrate into me, my cultivation realm rise rapidly. AI Condensation stage - Foundation stage - Core Stage- Nascent stage. The heaven seem to start to notice my presence so it begin send heaven punishment toward me.

BOOM! BOOM! Each of the lighting strike hit me. There was nothing I can do but just to take it. At first it was painful, but soon it begin to feel amazing as it seem the Star Beast in my dantian start to absorb all the lighting strike and make itself even stronger.



My body seem to make its last ditch effort as time coming to end soon, I couldn't contain the roar that was resonating from within my body as my cultivation realm reach Immortal Lord! And begin to solidify the foundation. The roar could be heard all across the mortal realm.

----- 3rd POV------

Azure Dragon Kingdom

A dignify man in his mid thirty, with long black hair, wearing a golden dragon robe sitting on top of the throne. You can see that the man is trembling. The man name is Liu Feng the ruler of the Azure Dragon

"The world is about to have a huge change, however I don't know if it is a good or bad omen." He whisper to himself.

With a resolute face "Man! track down where that roar was coming from! I want to know what that was!"

Vermilion Kingdom

A beautiful mature woman could be see sitting on top of the throne, with a burning red hair, a jade like skin, a voluptuous body that everyman dreamed of, and a face of a goddess. Her name is Qin Yuran, the current empress of the Vermilion Kingdom.

"My general! I want you to go and find whose roar that was! and bring him back here!" The Empress ordered.

Her bloodline is boiling, it was as if the bloodline was happy that it long await lover has come to see its.

White Tiger Kingdom

"HEHEHE! Interesting, Interesting! I wonder just how much higher will my cultivation realm be once I devour the person that make that roar!" A menace can be seen on the young man face. He has white hair, and ferocious face combine with a wild hair. He look like a ferocious beast! Tian Yu the king of White Tiger Kingdom.

"Man! I want you to capture this man for me! Send out the Silver Tiger Legion!" Tian Yu yelled

"Yes! Your Majesty!" One of the general replied

"Also send many beautiful women to my chamber!" Tian Yu said.

Black Tortoise Kingdom

An old man is sitting on top of the throne . Even though he look frail, but his eye seemed to filled with infinite wisdom. "Chu Hai, I want you to lead an expeditionary group to look for the owner of that roar! Remember be extremely respectful toward him as I can feel that his cultivation realm is far beyond me!" Said Chu Han

"Yes Father!"

All around the mortal realm every one is trembling from fear. As they don't know what is the caused of the roar. However, our protagonist was oblivious to this uproar, as he is comfortably sleeping.