Chapter 4: I caught myself a kuudere!

At the end I choose to go straight north. With my cultivation realm at Immortal Lord it wasn't long before I start to see the outer edge of the forest. Feeling excited to see civilization at last I decided to speed up.

BOOM! BOOM! An explosion can be see where I was. So I decided to slowdown and go to where the explosion happen. However I dropped myself to the ground and start walking toward it, just in case if it was people I can asked them to help me out.

As I get closer I can see a white serpent monster that is 200 meters long ,its seem to be at the late Foundation. It seem to fighting someone.

"Damn you human! How dare you enter my territory!" The serpent scream out in anger

"I need your core to help me reach core stage!" a feminine voice resound.

I then saw a beautiful woman jump into the air and impaled her sword into the serpent's brain. She look like a fairy descending to human realm. Jade white skin, with beautiful face like the goddess of the moon, and her sexy figure. With a bust size that I can comfortably hold in my hand, not too small nor too big. However there was one thing that alarm me!

"Ah shit! a F*** kuudere!" This shit is just like those cliché novel! god damn it! Her face was void of any emotion.

She seem to heard me and turn toward my direction,"who are you?"

I can definitely feel the hostility of her toward me, so I just walk out with my hands up in surrender position. "Sor.... sorry... I got lost in the forest, when I heard an explosion I came here hoping to find someone that can help me… my name is Kai," I started to spew some BS. Even I was ashamed of my poor excuses 😖😖.

She start to ignore me once she saw that I was at Qi stage 4, and begin to dig for the beast's core. One she got the core she stored it in her space ring along.

"How did you get this far into the forest, with a cultivation that weak there was no reason for you to be here," she begin to suspect me.

"Ah! I was chased by a group of bandits, and the only way I know to survive is to run deeper into the forest as I know they won't chase too deep into the forest for someone as insignificant as me," I spilled some more BS. This time I pat myself in the back, good job, good excuse!

She still look suspicious at me but her wariness did decrease by quite a bit.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but fairy sister, can you lead me out of this forest! Please!" I started to beg her, as I need a guide in this new world.

She look at me for a while. then nodded her head.

"Thank you, fairy sister!"

"Ming Yue, call me Ming Yue, stop calling me fairy sister," she told me

"OK, Yu'er !"

She angry point her sword at my neck, "Who Is your Yu'er? Don't get comfortable just because I pity you and help you out."

"Well! You can just kill me! it not like you are any different from those group of bandits! Kill me just because something I said! You are no different than those tyrant! I'll call you whatever I want! YU'ER! YU'ER! YU'ER!" After reading so many novels I know that the only way to get into the ice-cold beauty is by being shameless! Thank you! Yun Che for all your knowledge and teaching!

Ming Yue seem to calm down,"follow me, I will get you out of this forest." She then turn and start walking away.

"Yu'er, where are we? and where are we going?" I asked her as I follow behind.