Chapter 7: Your Master is here!

Look at this scene really pissed me off as I was always bullied when I was on earth. Making fun because of being the new kid in school, making fun because I don't know English, making fun because of my accent, and making fun because I was from a different culture.

"Well, you guy keep calling him a trash, yet here you are ganging up on him, if he is trash then what are the 7 of you?" I voice out in anger.

"Huh? Kid! you talking to us?" one of the burly teen look at me.

"No shit retards! If I'm not talking about you idiots who the f*** am I talking to?"

"Brat! How dare you! look like you need a beating!" and the gang start to ignore Xiao Fang and jump at me. I used the technique I got from the bloodline inheritance, Cloud and Lighting step from the Dragon's inheritance. The technique's principal is that one body is light and free as a cloud in the sky, but fast and deadly just like a lighting strike.

The gangs keep hitting me but all their attack seem to passed right through me like I was a ghost. "Alright, enough of this let me send you guy on your way!" I envelope my fist with dragon Qi. My fist is now that of a dragon claw with a azure color qi around it. I quickly slapped the idiot 7 into the oblivion.. well not really! As I don't want to cause too much of a ruckus so I controlled my strength to that of a Qi level 6 stage and just knock them out.

I walk toward Xiao Fang as he was waking up, "Hey kid! your master is here!"

-------------Xiao Fang's POV---------

My name is Xiao Fang, the fallen genius of Xiao family. I was once consider the hope of Xiao family, now has become to embarrassment of its. All of this happen when I was 12, on my birthday I breakthrough to Foundation level 10 stage. However, My happiness was short lived as there was assassin disguised as a servant. My father, Xiao Long, killed the assassin, however that was after his hidden poisonous needle hit my dantian.

Later on it was found out that the poison that was on the needle was Qi Dispersion Demon poison. By combine over 1000 qi poison types this poison is untreatable, and whoever get hit by it will never be able to cultivate again, or so I thought.

As I was been beaten up by the group that was hired by my cousin, as usual a young man appear and help me. His movement techniques was beautiful, it was like a dragon was dancing across the sky. Then I saw his hand being covered by a majestic azure qi and start to become a dragon claw, The young man easily slapped those guys unconscious.

Even though guys was just a bunch of thugs got hired by my cousin, but each of them was at least at Qi level 8 stage. And this man was only at Qi level 4! How was this possible?

I looked at the man as he walking closer toward me. What he said next change my fate forever!