Chapter 10: Training!

"Hmm, so your family's competition start in a month?" I asked

"Yes master, this competition will be used as an excuse to force my father be removed from being the family head," Xiao Fang clenched his fist in anger.

{This would be interesting} I thought,{this competition can be used to spread mine and the sect name}

"It's decided!" I clapped my hands together, "I want you to dominate this whole competition. Since you are now my pro disciple, I can't let mine or your face lost in this scheme. Well then, you have 30 days to reach peak foundation realm. Don't disappointed master! I will provide all the resources necessary for your cultivation!"

"Master! This disciple will not let you down!" Xiao Fang said

------------3rd POV---Xiao Family-----------

"Patriarch I think you should rethink about giving the Body Transformation Pill to Xiao Fang and give it to Xiao Hu instead! After all Xiao Hu is the genius of Xiao family and also one of the genius of the Sword Immortal Sect! Patriarch! Please think about the future of the clans!" The old man with a shrew face said.

"Elder Xiao Bo, why don't you just say that you want me to give the Pill I bought with my own money to your grandson!" Powerful qi started to pressed down onto everyone. "Xiao Bo, I already know you and your son has been aiming for the seat of the patriarch. I've been letting all your action slides because I don't want to caused a disputed in the family and let the others take this clan pieces by pieces! I , Xiao Chen, has never done anything that would ashamed heaven or earth. Everything I've done my whole life has been for this family! And yet here you are badmouthing about my decision is selfish?" The qi is getting stronger by the second, "The meeting is dismissed! I don't want to listen to this any longer!"

Xiao Fang, who got back just in time to hear the disputed, started to clenches his fists. Blood could be seen dripping from his hands,"Xiao Hu! Xiao An! Xiao Hu! I will make you all pay! I will crushed you all! If I don't do so I will forever be dog!"

------Xiao Chen's room------

Knock! Knock!

"Xiao Fang, I know it is you come in. And stop with the formality," Xiao Chen said.

Xiao Fang walked into the room. and kneeled in front of Xiao Chen in tears.

"Father! This unfilial son of your has caused you so much worries and hardship!"

Xiao Chen quickly come over and assist Xiao Fang to stand up."No son! This is all father's fault! It is my fault that I couldn't protect you when the assassin sneak attacked you! It was my fault that I can't protect you from being harassed by Xiao Hu!"

"Father! Don't you worried all the humiliation and disgraced that was caused by Xiao Bo's family will be paid in full!" Xiao Fang wiped his tear and started to operate the INFINITY SWORD ART.

"This... This.. ahhaahhah the heaven have eyes! My son! My heir! you finally ga cultivated again! Not only that you at Qi stage level 4!" Xiao Chen excitedly said. "Son! How? How can you cultivated again?"

"Father, it is a long story," Xiao Fang started to recounted what happened to him,"My master saved me from being beaten up by the scums that Xiao Hu hired. And he told me that I have a heaven defying talent, a talent that can help me surpass even the realm of immortal! So he cured me of my poison and imparted to me a supreme technique INFINITY SWORD ART!"

"Feng'er! If possible please bring your master to our home, so I can thanks him in person!" Xiao Chen was hoping to build a better relationship with Xiao Fang's master in hope of having a powerful backer. After all, even those in Origin stage couldn't even find a cure for Qi Dispersion Demon poison! So someone can easily removed that poison should be very least at Tribulation stage! Just imagining a Tribulation stage master bring chill to Xiao Chen. Even the Four Rulers only at Origin stage!

"Father! Master told me he don't want to show his face just yet! He want me to resolve my humiliation on my own, as he told me he want me to be able to spread my own wings!"

"I understand, but can you please tell your master that I, Xiao Chen, will forever be grateful for what he did, and that if he ever require any assistant then he can alway ask this Xiao Chen. I will do my best to complete it!"

"I will passed it to master. However father, I'm here to tell you that master want me to go and train with him for 1 month before the family competition. As he don't want me to lose the face of the sect!"

"Sigh, look like you have grown up my son. Go! Do what you need, father will support you!"

----29 days later at outer edge of the Forbidden Forest---------

"Huff! Huff! Nine Heaven Dragon Descend!" The tattered clothes youth shout as he operated qi and slashed downward toward a Flame Tiger, and nine dragons appear from the slashed and engulf the tiger whole, leaving only a bloody corpse behind.

"Master! I did it! I killed a Flame Tiger that was in peaked core stage!" The tattered youth Xiao Fang said.

"Not bad, Feng'er, you truly did not disappointed me. Only in 29 days and you already at Foundation level 10 stage," I praised him.

"This is all thanks to master's teaching! Without master help I wouldn't be able to break through this quickly!" Xiao Fang humbly said.

After Xiao Fang say good bye to his father, I started to immediately started his training. He truly is a genius, as he was able to form his first Divine Sword, and it was a sword based on the Qi Dispersion Demon poison. Anyone get cut by it will have their qi slowly drain from them, and the qi will then transfer to Xiao Fang. Though he will only be able to keep 30% and the other 70% will be devoured by the sword. He named the sword Vritra, The Prison Dragon. Well, I kind of give him the idea as his technique is very similar to Saji. Once he reached foundation stage he created his second sword, Solomon Sealing Sword. This sword just like its name, is used to sealed and binded the enemy. The sword will slowly spread sealing runes onto the enemy until they can't operate their qi and their movement is restricted. These two swords are meant to be used together! Vritra slowly depleting away the enemy qi, while Solomon seal their qi pathway so they can't recovered their qi as well as restricting their movement. I have no doubt that if Xiao Fang properly used these two swords he can definitely hold his own against an early stage Nascent Soul as a Foundation level 10 cultivator!

During his training he was able to moved one sword with his qi and one in his hand. Albeit, he can't control the sword with qi just like an extension of his arm, but he can make it attacked the enemy. However he only can control it for 10 minutes, since he doesn't have a large reserved of qi just yet.

I also bought the Nine Heaven Descend sword set that cost 1000 points. Even though the technique is a mortal class technique, but every moves are the base of sword art. Simple yet challenging, each skill based on attack, deflect, counter, and block. This skill set is a valuable skills to create a perfect foundation for sword user.

"Feng'er, packed up and let go back and get ready for your competition, also here! This is Eternal Sect's uniform, I hope you will wear it with pride!" The uniform is a pure white cultivator clothes, however in the back there is a symbol of a dragon circling in an infinity symbol.

"Feng'er the symbol symbolize you as a cultivator. There are infinite universes and infinite realms! Cultivation is a never ending journey, there will alway be someone who is stronger than you. Each time you discover a new realm you realize how weak and insignificant you are. So this symbol is there to remind you that your journey has yet to end, and it is just a beginning of a brand new chapter. Never forget that and always strive for a higher height!"

Xiao Feng held onto the uniform as if it was his lover,"Master, this disciple will make all realms realize the greatness of our Eternal Sect!"

"Change over Feng'er! It is time for you to repay all debt in full!"