First Quest

As he opened his eyes, Samuel found himself in a medieval village. There was a small fountain right next to him. He could see roads of stone and simple houses of wood and stone. The biggest one at the north looked like a two story. Some kids were curiously staring at him. It's not everyday that people appear out of the blue in white lights.

Everything felt very real. The scenes he saw to the smells and even a humid feeling in his skin for being close to the fountain. Samuel was extremely agitated, but the reason...

"They're back! My legs are back to new! I feel like I could run for hours and still have lots of strength left!"

Samuel could walk, but the strength in his legs depleted quickly. So he spent most of his time lying down. He was born very gifted. At school he was always at the top 3 in the school grades everytime even though he barely studied. He even slept in class sometimes and got scolded by the teachers. He was also good at sports. Although he didn't look like it, he was fast and good at moving his body. So he was also among the best at any sport he did. When his body weakened, he felt as if life wasn't worth living anymore. If not for his family, he might have committed suicide.

Samuel gave a few laps around the fountain to get used to his own legs again after 6 years.

Then he went to explore a little this village he started. The village was not very big. He could walk from one side to the other in 15 minutes.

Although it wasn't very big, he noticed it was well organized. Most shops were found at the western side of the village. The south and east were mostly residential. At north were slightly bigger houses and the village chief house.

After getting a general idea of the village, Samuel went to the north side. He deducted that most high grade quests you could find in a small village would be given by either the village chief or one of the slightly bigger houses.

"Who are you?"

An old man with good physique was staring him down. Even though his ha He was carrying a couple buckets full of water with a single arm. Probably coming back from getting water.

"Hi, my name is WindBow. Are you the village chief?"

"Yes, the name's Grind. Are you a new adventurer?"

"Yes, I came to see if you had anything you needed help with."

"Well, I doubt you could do much with your strength... But I guess you can try killing wolves for me. They have been pestering our raised animals and the farmers are too weak to defend their cattle. Please kill enough wolves to keep them from coming back for some time."

[Quest received. Look at your quest log for more information.]

Samuel thanked Grind and left hurriedly. He almost smacked himself when he saw the system prompt. How could he forget this was a game! He explored the whole village and even got a quest and forgot to look at his own stats!


Name: Windbow

Title: None

Rank: Civilian

Guild: None

Level: 1

Class: Archer

HP: 50 / 50

MP: 10/ 10


Strength: 1

Vitality: 1

Agility: 1

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence: 1

Will: 1

Free Attribute Points: 2

"I can spend those points later. For now let's see the skills and quest menus."

In the skills menu, there was only 1 skill, [Bow Mastery - Apprentice Lv1]. In LEO, skills can be obtained by quest, dropping skill books or skill fusion. Skill fusion need the appropriate skills to be at the minimum proficiency level and a special event to trigger the fusion. Samuel doesn't know much more about skill fusion so he didn't mind it anymore.

[Wolf Extermination]

Seregard village is situated close to the Moon Forest where wolves are abundant. Those wolves sometimes come to prey on Seregard's cattle.

Mission: Kill at least 30 Gray Wolves. They can be found at the Moon Forest.

Rank: F+

Time limit: None

(A basic extermination quest. In the novels he read, they usually start with something like a bunny or dog. Wolves should be the equivalent here.)

After equipping his beginner's bow he went to the east gate. Outside there were a crowd of beginners fighting over the few bunnies he could see. There was also a few foxes fighting against 4 to 6 players.

"So there are bunnies. I wonder why I received a quest for wolves then."

Samuel ignored the players and bunnies and went closer to the forest. At the forest outskirts he chose a lonely tree to practice the bow movements a little. Unlike other classes, Archer have their mastery skill from the start. No one knows how to use a bow in modern day, so archers have this skill to help new players get used to the bow quickly. But that help can become an advantage in a short time, after getting used to their weapons, so to balance it out, Bow mastery needs double the necessary exp for leveling up until the next rank.

Samuel made an improvised target. He started shooting at the tree from 10 meters away. The first eight arrows could barely reach half the distance. The next five started hitting the tree at least. His next ten started getting inside the target so he increased the distance from 10m to 20m. Archer usually have the highest range in games so 20 meters should be no problem to his bow.

He kept practicing for some time. The beginner's bow had a speciality which protected the arrows shot at objects. So his stack of arrows were still intact.

He kept practicing until he heard a system promt:

[ User has done 1000 shots as practice. Rewarding 10% proficiency for Bow Mastery.

No more rewards can be obtained by target practice.]

After a thousand shots, he not only learnt how to use his bow a little, he even got 10% proficiency.

Although maneuvering a bow in combat is completely different, Samuel decided it was time to hunt.

Players were still at the bunnies area. A few expert players were partying at the fox area. Still, the monsters were so outnumbered that players barely got any exp. Walking a little deeper he found a Forest. A wolf was sleeping under a tree.

Samuel aimed at the wolf's eye. Hitting the eye from 30 meters away is not something he could do after training for a couple hours. He obviously missed, but still hit the monster's head. The Gray Wolf woke up wincing at the pain. It was actually a critical hit. The next shot hit the wolf's leg and did little damage. The second shot revealed Samuel's position and the wolf quickly found him, knocking another arrow to his bow.

Samuel actually was very nervous right now. The wolf snarling at him felt very real. But the pressure made his concentration heighten and his bow aim became even better. He shot his 3rd arrow and started running away. When the first arrow hit the wolf he could see its stats, but he delayed it until now so that he could concentrate on aiming.

[Gray Wolf]

Level: 5

HP: 395 / 425

"Level 5!? How could that old man have me hunt 30 level 5 for my first quest?! Just reject me please! I don't need consideration that gets me killed!"

Samuel didn't let his concentration waver but still cursed at Grind for giving such a difficult quest. He kept running trying to find an opportunity to turn the situation. The wolf was faster than him. If he couldn't find a solution fast, he would die very soon.

Samuel saw some big rocks which he could probably climb. He succeeded and got on top of the rock. It's strange squared form made it impossible to the wolf to climb unless it could jump 2 meters high.

Samuel felt relieved but started shooting quickly at the wolf. The wolf couldn't climb so it just kept running from one side to another. After 15 minutes the wolf finally died. Samuel's exp filled by 5% and a few copper dropped.

"That was a little too intense. But this platform is pretty useful. Maybe I could use this to finish the quest."

Samuel got down from the square stone and found another wolf. After finding a wolf, he would shoot once and run to the stone. Since he found a nice place he should enjoy it. He tried shooting while running too. Samuel felt like that would be useful for future combats where there is no safe stone to shoot from.

On his 20th wolf he got a level up message. He received 2 free points. He immediately put all 4 into dexterity. The wolves receive 4-6 damage per hit. After increasing his stats, he now did 6-9 damage to wolves. He finished his quest very soon and went back to get his reward.

"What, you're back already? Looks like you ran away. You're lucky you're still alive. Anyway it's okay to kill a few when you're stronger so don't bite more than you can chew."

"I already killed the 30 wolves."

"What? How could you kill wolves when you have just arrived here? You should barely be able to kill boars! Maybe a fox at most!"

"Did you need proof? I'm sorry but I still don't know how to remove body parts so I couldn't bring you any."

"No, no... I believe in you. Even if it's improbable. I was wrong about you, kid. Not bad. Not bad at all."

[You have completed Wolf Extermination (F+).]


2 silver

Favorability with Grind +20 (5 from quest. 15 for impressing him.)

Grind is now Friendly.

Hidden Reward: A job related skill book

"A challenger like you deserves a little extra. Since you're an archer I'll give you this book. I got it from the time I was a mercenary myself. It's useless to me anyway."

"Thank you very much."

Samuel had no idea it was possible for hidden rewards but he wouldn't be complaining. Besides, New virtual assured all users that skills would be hard to get in this game, so getting and advantage like that was pure luck. Getting curious, he immediately checked the skill...