Tragedy (III): Funeral Party & Threats

The party after the funeral was beyond awkward. A lot of the people here had come to curry favor with the bosses. Showing their condolence would have inevitably put them in their boss's good book. But now someone else is boss, and he's a complete and total stranger.

This party could not finish any quicker, because I felt just as awkward as they did. I tired escaping multiple times, but every time, Nanny Florence pushes me back in and asks me to socialize. How the hell do I do that? I felt like a fresh water fish, thrown in shark infested waters; this guys were just waiting for an opportunity to eat me.

"If I didn't know any better I would say you're uncomfortable in your own house."

I know that voice, and I hated that voice. Quite ironic since I used to be crazy in love with the owner of that voice, but what the hell was she doing here. I turned around to see her standing beside Marcus, looking as beautiful and as shiny as the day she ripped my heart out.

"Monica I can't say it's a pleasure to see you as your presence has given me an incredible urge to go look for a barf bag. To what do I owe this displeasure." I replied to her query with a smile on my face. Just so you know, that smile is totally fake.

"You should do well to treat my fiancée with respect little brother! You wouldn't want any problems between us would you?" Marcus spoke up, glaring at me like he'd seen the source of all his misfortunes. But that might be true.

"You're engaged to this snake, and the snake is equally engaged to a weasel! You guys are made for each other. Congratulations."

I think it's not too late to tell everyone around that I had a similar problem with my grandfather. We had too much wit and charm than we knew what to do with. Of course it's all just a mask for us to hide our pain and insecurities, and deep down if you look hard enough, you'll see that we're really soft, thoughtful and sweet...that's just bullshit. It's true! like all this soap opera movies you watch everyday, but it's still bullshit.

"Your arrival has been nothing but misfortune. I'm sure you would have heard by now. The virtual reality game Lost Descendants has experienced a weird software update, left behind with your bitch of a mother's Admin account. Now everything we've built, all of the economy, the levels, the kingdoms are level 0 and completely changed. Ever since you and your mother came into our lives, you've brought nothing but misfortune. But I'm not surprised, a bitch can only give birth to a....."

I drew him closer and pulled him into a hug, making sure to choke him real nicely in the process. It would probably show on his pale skin later, but I didn't care, I was mad.

"what makes you think you can talk about my mother like that....insect! Let me set something straight for you. If you talk wrong about my mother, or even mention her name, I'll string you up from the tip of the Imperium industries headquarters in your underwear, and clip pictures of your mother sleeping with that guard. You remember those pictures right? we took them almost ten or nine years ago, we were going to show them to dad, until you chickened out and ratted me out to your own bitchy witch of a mother and had me locked in a wine cellar for a week! I still have those photos boy! And if you fuck with me, or come anywhere near my house especially with your whore, then I'll destroy your family. As an added incentive let me leave you guys a gift."

I let him go and he crouched over clutching at his neck, as he gasped for air. Maybe I shouldn't have held him to tight. By now everyone was looking at my direction and without a doubt knew something had gone down between the two of us. They haven't seen anything yet. I grabbed a glass of champagne and called out in a loud voice.

"Ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please! Yes! Thank you. I want to propose a toast; to my Baba. He was a good man, a great man who had many friends and helped a lot of people. It's too bad he has a useless bastard for a son. A man who is incapable of taking care of his own home or loving his motherless son. I used to tell everyone who asked that I was an orphan...because my father and his bitch thought knowledge of me would ruin their reputation and standing in the company and society. I grew up without a fathers love, if not for my Baba, only God knows where I would have been by now. I can confidently say, on behalf of both my Baba and myself, about how ashamed I am that this idiot came from our bloodline.

So let this be a warning to you father. I'm coming for everything you owe me, and my mother. If you or your family decide to fuck with me, then I'll bury all four of you. And as for our guests, those of you who've come here to suck up to this bastards, I only have one advice for you. Pick your allies well, because this won't end well for anyone of you. So think twice before you join forces with a man who's own father suspects of being responsible for his death! Have a good night and don't let the door hit you on your way out."

Damn it, I shouldn't have said that last part about father being a suspect. But I got carried away, and with the look on nanny Florence's face, it seems like she approves. I made my way up the stairs as she gave me a nod of approval, looks like she was going to take care of everything here. I'm sure by tomorrow what I've said would be all over the tabloids, my father would probably spend a significant amount of time trying to run damage control over the blow to his reputation, and the company's stocks would suffer for it.

It's a huge scandal, and in other to balance that scale they would need to bring in a counter weight. And that was me. Giving me a seat on the board of directors, along with a executive position would sate the hounds of justice and make the public feel like he was trying to make amends.

This would be the only route available to him, if he doesn't wants to get kicked off the board, just as he did my grandfather. Oh! I'm so bad. Anyway let the party go wild, with millions of players panicked about the update, this would be the best time to strike while the iron's hot, and get into Lost Descendants. After all the early bird gets the worm.


Lost Descendants at the time of it's inception was like most games of it's time. Stiff, expensive and not at all worth the hype about it being the next generation of VR gaming. The company took a dive, and at that time things weren't really working out for both my great grandfathers.

But damn those two willy foxes, it was all a publicity stunt. They let that trashy game run for a whole year, loosing a serious amount of money, before they did something equally as crazy as what just happened today. Reset all levels, and organizations to Zero, and send an update that completely changed the landscape of the game. They called it the great sundering.

The update was a narrative, about a sudden destruction of the planet, and from the ashes of fallen civilizations came new ones. New races, new classes, and new skills. New locations as the landscape of the game change from one massive super continent, to four. Now the game has a player base of over 800 million worldwide and still growing, a hundred and seventy six classes, 60 customizable races, with the players being allowed to mix up their races to create unique builds, skills, and even racially oriented classes. Only God knows how big an update this is, this time around.

Lost Descendants draws heavily on entertainment to make most of their money. Even though as of recent the game was running out of new content, the live streams of really famous players brought in revenue, as each of those players were only allowed to sign streaming contracts with imperium entertainment, a side company of the main company. From monthly subscriptions, to public appearances, the streamers were celebrities.

But that was not all, since real money can be exchanged from the game to the real world and vice versa, many major companies took the initiative to establish themselves in the game, raiding dungeons, completing quests, fighting against other players, selling equipment or finding some other way to make money within the game.

The back story for lost Descendants sets the planet along with a few other dimensions, in a universe that suffered a cataclysmic event. So to survive, races from every corner, galaxy, nebula, black hole, asteroid belt, planets etc. came together on one giant massive planet to start anew. Over time, there were a lot of inter marriages between species, and hybrids were born. But over time, they all forgot about where they came from, or who their ancestors were, loosing knowledge of their origins to time. Hence why it's called The Lost Descendants.

I would have done a much more extensive research, but with the update, all previous knowledge about the game would be nothing short of obsolete. Somethings might still be the same, but the change would be too extensive to find any similarities this early. It would take a while.

My grandfather's room, now mine was exactly what you would expect the house of a billionaire in the 22nd century to look like. It was snazzy, cozy, a big ass bed, a walk in closet, and a bathroom the size of my old apartment. There was a Jacuzzi, a TV and State of the art full immersion virtual pod. Its was beyond comfortable for me, and since that was the case, let's see what the Lost Descendants have in store for me.