Dinner (II): Dysfunctional Family

My dad was definitely surprised once he saw me show up with bodyguards, so were my brothers and steps mother, but I was not all to willing to let them know why or how, I just said hello, gave each of them a deep smile and walked into their mansion.

I've hated this place for a very long time, this was the house my brothers were privileged enough to grow in, along with my dearly departed sister. I can't tell how many times I wished my dad would have just showed up and brought me here, heck they could have just placed me in the cupboard under the stairs like harry potter and I wouldn't have minded, just as long as I could stay close to my family.

Nanny Florence and my trio of body guards/maids ended up standing just a few feet away from where Ron and I sat, I could tell their presence unsettled everyone here, especially that of Nanny Florence, but I guess they had to deal with it. My elder brother Matt was here alone, his wife and children nowhere to be found, but Marcus was here with his fiancée Monica, my very annoying ex girlfriend, and with the sheer amount of PDA(Public Display Of Affection) they were putting on, I think they were trying to get me jealous. Such children.

"So Aaron, how's life back in the states? I know you've spent most of the past few years in a joint international Special task force, and I've read that sometimes soldiers find it hard to reacquaint themselves with society after fighting for a long time." My stepmother asked me, probably hoping to get a conversation rolling.

"Its fine." I answered, as I turned to wipe a smudge of Ron's dinner of the side of his lips.

"I know you might not want to talk about it, it just that I wanted to know if you're okay. And that if things are hard for you, you can trust us to look after you and your son, after all we're family." She added as she gave me a soft gaze.

I looked around to see my father giving me the same concerned look, Matt just chose to focus on his dinner, but Marcus looked like he had been given a plate full of worms to eat, Monica just seemed indifferent to the whole thing. But I guess there was nothing she could say now, she's got one foot into the door and a life of wealth and a high profile status. With our history she would really want to keep her mouth shut, lest I ruin everything for her.

"Listen Denise, I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine. To be honest if there's anything really messing with my mind right now, it's the death of my Baba. But there's nothing to be done about it, even though it felt really strange to me. I just want to make the most of the time I have now, and be a good father to my son." I answered as I placed a forkful of salad into my mouth, and staring at my stepmother as I chewed.

"Of course Aaron I understand, just know that we're all here for you." She said to me with a smile.

Then we all settled back into the meal, letting silence reign as we tried to digest what was obviously a painfully awkward dinner. But there was a silver lining for me, and that was the fact that Ron didn't seem to care, and was busy turning a boat load of salt on the table.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Marcus's eyebrow twitching as he obviously wanted to say something, but based on the smile I had on my face, which to be honest was damn near maniacal, he knew if he interrupted my son's play time, I will deal with him, as ruthlessly as possible. So he had to tread with discretion.

We finished eating, and the table was cleared, on the other Ron's side of the table was left alone, because he had started making spiral designs with the salt he had turned over, and it was amazing. It was like watching an accomplished artist make something really beautiful, and I had no idea how he was able to do that, but it was amazing and really nice.

"The little guy is really talented, you must be proud of him little brother, though I can't imagine things are easy for you...…you know, with his mental illness and stuff."

"Marcus! Watch what you say at my dinner table boy!"

I knew this was coming, and it was bloody annoying. Ron's Autism is not exactly a secret, and I expected one of them to use it as ammunition to fire a few attacks against me. I expected this to happen, doesn't mean it didn't hurt any less, I wasn't angry about this though, I was hurt.

Ron could live a normal life, but I think it's obvious that my son's life won't eve be normal. Not among his peers, or mine, his pedigree alone means he's going to be under constant scrutiny, but his Autism would also paint a target on his back.

And it's not that I was worried that people would hurt him, or bully him for something that's beyond his reach and totally not his fault. But comments like this can break a man, especially a child. And they will point fingers, they'll pity him, treat him like an egg and be completely unable to relate with him because they're not sure how to act normal to a kid that isn't normal. That's how life's going to be for my boy, and I knew this was something I couldn't shelter him from.

"I don't mean any disrespect little brother, but when we found out about his Autism, Monica and I took the time to ask around and check on a few doctors. It's possible for him to have a normal life, we can also get him a special teacher or nanny to help him with his daily needs, once you start working at the company. I'm sorry if it offends you, but I'm just looking out for you and my nephew." Marcus said to me with a fake melancholic expression on his face.

"Are you really? Are you really looking out for me, or are you saying those things just to piss me off and hurt me? If that's the case, and I'm a 100% sure it is, then you're a bigger fool than I expected. By now you should know what kind of a person I am big brother. The people who piss me off, tend to get embarrassed and disgraced. But the people who hurt me, or even be so stupid as to mess with my son, well.....those guys disappear forever........but you don't have to worry about anything. You're only looking out for me an my son, and I appreciate it."

The entire dinning room was silent, so silent that you could hear a pin drop. The atmosphere seemed a little heavy and gloomy, and there was an invisible kind of pressure hanging around everyone. My father looked really pissed as he glared at Marcus, I'm sure the old man went through a significant amount of effort to get this dinner set up, and Marcus was ruining it with his big mouth.

I already made up my mind about what I was going to do once I got here, but my father needed this dinner to work. Because leading Imperium industries was like playing politics, especially when you're a company that relies greatly on public opinion. So as a family we had to provide a united front, because apart from the fact that the media would eat that shit up so fast, you'll think it's real food. Most customers and consumers would prefer to make use of a company's products, when said company seems to work and function from a family oriented angle. It made us more appealing and trustworthy, and it would also make us more money.

Given the tense atmosphere, and the fact that no one seems ready to break it, my father cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak.

"So Aaron have you made a decision on who would be your assistant? I know it's an important decision, but I need you to make it fast. That way we can schedule a press conference on Monday, and announce your joining of the company, it's your birthright after all." My father asked.

"Indeed I have made my decision dad. I chose someone with a lot of experience working for the company, and who's talents I believe are better served helping me learn the ropes and navigate the company's landscape. Her name is Kira, Kira Lee Zhang."

"Oh! That's a rather unexpected choice, but it's actually a good one. I know of Kira, her dad and I have been friends since young and she's a very bright and smart young lady. I'm really happy with your choice Aaron, it's the most probable decision, and since she's such a hard worker, and is loved by her subordinates, I believe things would be go quite smoothly for you. Good decision making son, I'm proud of you."

Wow, so it seems he's not going to be stingy with his praise, and he was not going to be hesitant about showering it on me in front of everybody here. Though Marcus looked like he had swallowed a stone the size of an egg. Matt still chose to remain silent throughout the entire thing, choosing to observe. My step mother had a bright smile on her face, it was so radiant and calm, but the clenched fists told me what she was feeling was anything but radiant or calm.

But I liked it, this chaos, the uncertainty, and the stupid look of victory on my father's face. Kira was the daughter of a board member, his friend. So I'm sure he believes he would be able to influence her through her father, and in turn me. Which means the ball was in Kira's hands now, and she had to choose which team she wanted to play for.

Would she play for her father who may or may not have chosen her over her brother, or would she play for me. The father of the adopted son she so much loves and cares for. I betting I already won in the encounter, because what my father doesn't know is that, I'm already in Kira's head. I don't know how I'm doing it, but I was in her head!

It was only a matter of time before it's her heart, her underwear and then on her bed. And maybe I'm a bad person manipulating the life of the woman who has cared and loved my son for so long. But I couldn't afford to be gentle, or kind, not when the fate of the world was at stake.

There was an arms race going on, and the only way to prevent a war, was to have Kira completely and solely by my side. She had to be my inside person, my spy. But I didn't trust her, not yet anyway. I needed her to do what was required, and she might get hurt in the process, but I don't think I have much of a choice. This is how it's supposed to be.

The fact that she made me feel like butterflies were nesting in my stomach didn't count, it couldn't. Because that would be a mistake I couldn't afford to make with what I had to do, I can't fall in love with her. That would make all my choices that much harder to make, and I needed to be resolute.

I looked up at my father and raised my wine glass towards him, and said.

"Here's to working together, and to family."

"To family....."