Taking A Throne (I): Penny Jones

While I was a little worried about what would happen in game, I had different fishes to fry today. I was going to be taking an official position within imperium industries, and since I wasn't really that conversant with business as a whole, I needed to have a shark at my side. And it's quite unfortunate that old man Jones was not around to hunt my enemies for me, I just had to deal with her.

"What are you looking at?" an annoyed voice said to me.

"I'm just thinking about how much of a monster you still are, maybe I should add bitch to that equation. Penny the monster bitch."

"Awww thanks, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, but judging by how bitter you sound, I know one thing for sure." She said to me with a smile.

"Oh! And what's that Penny the Monster Bitch." I asked her bitterly.

"I broke your heart, and you still hate me for it. I'm so sorry, do you need a tissue?"

God I wanted to hit her, and I wanted to kiss her too, weird right. Who knew Penny would grow up to be such a bombshell, and while I still hated her guts, some other part of my body had different ideas. But I had to focus, maybe think of Kira instead, yeah, her! She's better looking than Penny, an Asian bombshell with the body of stripper, plus she's older too.

"You two should stop acting like children, Penelope you're now in charge of a very powerful law firm, and you master Aaron, you're a father. Please act your bloody age, or I'll stop this car and beat some sense into the both of you. I can't believe you're both so crass with your words, especially in front of a child. You two, you're just dying to tell each other how much you missed the other, you fought all the time as children, but you were such great friends. Don't let an old wound sour a great partnership, it's up to you two to keep your grandfather's friendship alive. Now hug and make up!" Nanny Florence said from the driver's seat.

I smartly kept my mouth shut, not because I was afraid of Nanny Florence(though I am), but because I really want to know what hugging Penny would feel like. Penny on the other hand looked like she'd rather eat a bucket of grass than touch me, but she grew up at the feet of Nanny Florence just like I did. It would be beyond stupid to refuse her.

I had a rather wide grin on my face as I hugged Penny, the feeling of her breast was something else and I couldn't help but tease her. I mean come on, I had to take a cheap shot, this is the perfect opportunity to do so.

"Wow they got bigger, either you're a late bloomer, or your prayers got answered, though I'm not sure which breasts increasing deity you asked for help this time. But I have to say they're quite squishy."

"Aaron once this is all done, I'm going to throw you off a building and smile while doing it." She whispered to me as she tightened her arms around my neck trying to choke me.

"okay!...looking forward to it...now….please...please let go!"

She got the better of me in this exchange, but that didn't mean that this battle was over. I relaxed and focused on the city was we moved towards Imperium industries headquarters. Playing around with Penny was therapeutic in a way, and that's because she made me less comfortable about what's coming.

I wasn't really anticipating becoming a part of the company, I had this feeling like I was about to be thrown into a nest of snakes, and the very idea scared the shit out of me. If it was before my grandfather died, I don't think I would have cared this much, but now I had to many things to lose should things go wrong.

I shifted my gaze to my side, Ron was asleep with his hands tightly clutching his Spiderman action figure. The idea that I could love someone this much was still new to me, and because of that, I was scared of loosing him. This feeling was intoxicating, exhilarating, and scary. But I knew at this point, I couldn't live without my kid.

"Don't worry Aaron, he'll be okay. I promise you I'll keep him safe, I will never let anything happen to him." Penny said to me with a soft voice.

I smiled, childish fights and broken thirteen year old heart aside, Penny was my oldest friend, my only friend this side of the world to be honest. And even though we've not seen each other for a few years, I knew I could trust her, she was the Robin to my Batman.

"We're here master Aaron, shall we proceed." I heard Nanny Florence say.

It was somewhat embarrassing that I was being driven by my Nanny, but the old lady didn't trust anyone but herself to do so. Plus she's hoping to make some sort of statement, she was my grandfather's assistant, and here she was also serving me, this more than validates my identity and legitimacy in the eyes of the public and the media.

And speaking of media, there were reporters of all race and gender waiting at the front of the company, hoping to get an interview of sorts. But there was no need for that, after the closed door meeting with the board of directors, there would be a press conference where an official statement would be released. The reporters outside are the ones who didn't get the invite to the press conference.

The door was opened by one of my the company's security officers, I mumbled a silent thanks as I came out carrying the still sleeping Ron on my chest. Thankfully the reporters were kept away from me and most especially my son, but to be honest the flashes of the cameras and their bloody questions were really annoying.

I made my way into the company with Penny and nanny Florence right on my heels, and they in turn were followed by a couple of security guards dressed impeccably in a suit, with black sun glasses to top it off…..cool.

Even though I did a really good job of ignoring the questions, the ridiculousness of some of them almost forced me to stop and give some really scathing remarks, are they even allowed to ask such questions. Thankfully that didn't last long, and I was already through the front doors of the company.

What was most probably the entire employees in the company were lined up in front of me, they were probably here to welcome me. That's to be expected, technically I'm the top dog, the owner of the entire company on account of the fact that I was the principal share holder. I paused for a bit and gave all them a good look, probably spooking half, and making the other half very nervous.

"Hey guys how are you all doing this fine morning? " I asked them with a smile on my face.

For a while no one knew what to say, until a Hispanic man came forward and said that they were all doing okay. Rather than leaving it at that, I went over those them, and spent the next 45 minutes taking the names of every single employee standing there at the moment, all 528 of them, including the janitors and the security guards. After that I made my way to the elevator and headed for the top floor.

"What's the use of asking for all their names Aaron, you won't able to remember it all." Penny said to me, a little angry that we had wasted so much time doing something meaningless. I smiled and said to her.

"You'll be surprised about what I can remember, I have a really good memory, like really, really good."

"Oh really, so what do you remember!" she asked with sarcasm dripping down her words.

"You remember that bathroom incident, the one where I caught you and Marcus playing honkey tonkey willy willy wawa!"

"Seriously, first of all what sort of game is that, and second what I was doing with your brother is none of your business, it's my body! Also you said you didn't see anything."

"I know who I am, because the world doesn't know who I might be! Those were the words tattooed on your side, right over your ribs. I remember thinking about how deep those words were, right as I contemplated throwing you off a building for having sex with my brother, and right in my own bathroom.

But now I realize that those words just don't make sense, and that Marcus has a smaller dick at 15 than I did at 13. So I guess it was your loss." I said to her with a smile.

"You really have no shame do you Aaron?" she asked me with a smile.

"If I did, I'm sure you wouldn't even be here with me now."

"unfortunately that's true."

The elevator slid open, and we came up into a hall way. The conference room was at the end of the hall, so I guess this is it. I hesitated a bit, only for Nanny Florence to come hold my hands and say to me.

"It's okay to be afraid, that's human. But destiny calls, and you carry the a big responsibility on your shoulder. So from now on, even if your afraid, or terrified, especially of what lies ahead. Just keep moving forward, fear is an enemy and ally, how it affects you is a choice you can make. Now go!"