The Nereids Of Njord (VI): The Shade Of Amara

[Quest Alert!] [Difficulty: C-]

[Call Of The Sea 1: A group of Nereids cut off from their kin and their god after being subjected to centuries of brutal experiments and attacks, has asked you for help in locating the remaining kin and temples.]

[Time: 4:21:33:07] [Rewards: +5 to all stats, + 5 skill points, 2 million exp]

I accepted the quest, though to be honest the rewards were a little underwhelming. But either way the stat points and skill points are basically free, because to be honest completing this quest won't be that hard. As long as the ship's compass still works, there's no location I won't be able to find.

The island was under siege, so moving the Nereids back to the ship would be a little bit difficult, especially since not one of them have a class, and the old Nereid was much too old to be of any help event though his class was (WATER SAGE). It seems to be a unique advanced class of the water shaman class, but he's really old so, there's not much he could do to help us.

So in that regard I decided it was better for all of them to stay put while I completed the rest of the mission myself. We were in a volcano, and I'm the only one with wings. By now we should be past any sort of checkpoint, which means no one would expect me to come out from here, and I should be able to get the fruit that my task requires me to get.

"Are you sure about this captain, you won't have any one of us to back you up, things might get quite messy." Jack said to me as he tried convincing me to use another method. But I shook my head and placed a hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"I'm not alone, I have Sky with me, and she's all the help that I need. So don't worry too much, I should be back in a hour or less. Keep the Nereids safe, and tell Darke to start up the engines in twenty minutes and keep it running till I get back, and if you guys can figure out a way to get the Nereids on board before I return, that would be nice."


I spread my wings and activated the skill, taking off with a flap as I made my way straight for the opening above me. My wings ached a bit, but I knew it was because according to the games mechanics and rules, I was still not mature, for whatever race I am. And it's not until my maturity that I would be able to fly for as long as I want, making flying a passive skill rather than active one that I can only sustain for thirty minutes. And the only way to grow in age here, is to be at a higher level than normal.

I flew out of the volcano and into the air, loving the feel of the wind on my face and the pull of gravity against my body as I fought against it's hold. I looked down to see that the volcano was hundreds of feet in the air, and it's entire side was pitch black, almost as it was some sort of barren land. However at the base of the volcano a beautiful forest of massive and very beautiful fruit trees were spread for miles upon miles of land, and somewhere in the middle was a glade with a single tree who's fruit was shining splendidly, so much so that I could even see it from here.

But that tree was heavily guarded, there was a ring of guards around it, and they looked quite fierce. The guards were a combination of Sahagins, Mer folk, human like people that I suspected were atlanteans, and a giant squid with it's tentacles wrapped around the tree. Those guys would see me coming, but luckily for me the sun just set, and in another fifteen minutes, it would be fully dark out. I just had to drop in from above with my friends fastest speed possible grab the fruit and hide in the clouds, then I'll be able to drop down into the volcano under the cover of darkness. So all I have to do now is wait.

I glided down until I got to a ledge on the surface of the volcano and landed there, this seems like a good place to wait for the right moment to move. However in the meantime, I think I should check my Status, see if there's been any change. I had an excess of stat points and skill points, and even though I've used a little bit of my skill points, there was still quite enough there to improve all my skills.

However if I should do that, I would most probably end up getting a ton of new skills I'm not ready for, so its better if I just took things slow for now. Besides the skills I have now were powerful enough for me as it is, the only thing that can truly offset and improve my current abilities would be my personal stats, and thankfully I have a 100 stat points to burn.

But as usual my dilemma stands about how to allocate my stat points, my current build makes me a jack of all trades and a master of none. However I know I'm more oriented to speed and fast paced battles, so I would go with that, but I feel it would be nice to get all my outstanding stats to a 100 and see if there's going to be any sort of change, after all the system for lost descendants online rewards based on achievement, and the bigger the achievement the greater the reward. And a complete three number figure on all my stats seem like a pretty big achievement.

At the moment constitution was at 88 and wisdom was at 89. So I allocated 12 points to constitution, and 11 to wisdom. And then I added 2 points to strength and intelligence, 1 to agility and 3 to dexterity, making all of them 105 each. Making the total amounts of stat points used 31.

{Congratulations on being the first Player to achieve 100 or above points in all basic stats. You've been Awarded the title Limit Breaker (I) and +10 to all stats.}

{Limit Breaker (I): +2 to all stats every level up, and + 1 extra skill point every level.}

Name: Aaren Seven/ Level: 34(800.385.480/1.3B)/ Class: Ventus Draconis Vindex

Race: Dragon Kin Tribrid(Dragon/High Elf/Human)

Title: Thrill Seeker/ One With The Wind/ Bronze Blood Commander/ Limit Breaker

Faction: Elemental Dragon Race/The Coven Of Angeles

Reputation: <>

Strength: 115/ Constitution: 110/ Agility: 115/ Dexterity: 115 Intelligence: 115/ Wisdom:110

Hp 1406 /1406(equip bonus +) MP 1590/1590(equip bonus +)

Stat points:69 Skill points:112

Skills: <>

Friends: <>

Everything seemed okay, and I was ready, so all I had to do was wait until the sun went down fully and everything became dark, which should be right about now!.

I jumped from the ledge in a free fall, keeping my eyes wide open and appreciating the sights of my natural night vision. This wasn't listed as a skill, so I guess it had to do with my race, which means there was no improving this ability, not unless I get an eye related skill that's similar, but for now, seeing in the dark was in my genes.

I relapsed my wings, and let them catch the wind as I ended my free fall and glided over the tree line. I did not want to be noticed by anyone of the guards that seem to be patrolling this forest. It was rather beautiful place, and it's a little bit hard to believe that this was the capital island of a bunch of pirates. I flew closer and closer to the glade, and when I reached a certain distance from it, I angled upwards, going up, high enough that I would be dismissed as nothing more than a tiny bird in the night sky.

However I couldn't see that much clearly either, even with my superior vision. I guess all things has it's limits, so I had to plan my next step carefully. I wanted to dive down immediately, but I was not really sure if there were no traps laying around the tree, which means my safest bet was to cause a distraction and get out of there with fastest speed I can muster.

I flapped my wings and pulled the strings on sky's body. I felt her tremble in my hands as I began shooting arrows as fast as possible, while also falling from the sky in a free fall. When I had rescued the tenth arrow, I simultaneously activated (SHOOT) (HOMING SHOT) and (METERO SHOWER) all of it targeted at the massive kraken that was chilling with it's tentacles wrapped around the tree's trunk.

I would like to tell you that my arrows caught the beast unawares and pelted it full of holes, but the kraken had seen my attacks coming from a mile away and wrapped itself with it's tentacles whilst shouting out a warning in a very human like voice.

"Intruders! From the north!"

I guess it didn't know which direction the arrows were coming from and just made a hypothetical guess. Either way it brought me the time I needed to do what I had in mind.


My overall speed got a massive boost of 300% as I swept forwards, moving so fast the air parting due to my body going through air resistance was visible. I angled myself and twisted through a particular branch on the tree and swept my wings out, grabbing an entire bunch of fruits on the tree and quickly depositing them into my bag as I flew into the fruit forest, all in just under 5 seconds.

{You Have acquired Shade Of Amara}

I didn't have time to properly inspect the fruits as I was very much focused on flying through the branches of the trees. It was getting a little harder because it flat as if the trees were interlocking themselves, trying to prevent me from living, like the forest itself was alive. But luckily for me, there was a small opening to my left, where two threes were too spaced apart to be able to quickly lock their branches and leaves together.

I ducked left only to see a fruit shaped very much like a pineapple, but looking like a pinecone fly past me. Seconds later I had to dodge and weave, using both my wings, legs and hands to defend myself from the onslaught of fruit bombs being thrown at me. Luck was on my side as I slipped out of the opening and into free sky above. I started flapping my wings as hard as I could, hoping I could reach a high enough altitude where I won't noticed. It was then I felt the most intense pain I've ever felt since I started playing this game.

{You have been struck by lightening – 450 HP }

That was more than a quarter of my HP pool, three more of those strikes and I'm done. I could my back ache as I careened through the sky, unable to fight the winds or gravity as I fell, on part of wings badly burnt even under the protection of my armor. What ever or whomever just fired that lightening, it was pretty freaking powerful.

But I will not be defeated, I spread my wings and glided forward a bit, and then I tucked them close to my body and went down in a free fall, gaining more and more speed as I fell, heading straight for the mouth of the volcano beneath me.

Suddenly I felt my senses tingle, almost as if it was warning me, and I shifted to the right, and just into time too as a massive bolt of purple lightning flew and struck the mouth of the volcano, blasting black earth and massive rocks from it.

I was worried about the Nereids down there, I hoped Raven song had already gotten them out of danger. I looked back to see a guy, a player for that matter, on a flying carpet, holding what I could only honestly say was a lightening bolt chasing me with an intense look on his face. This dude was probably one of the chosen of the trial, and he was after me for the Shade of Amara, at least I think that's why he's after me.

I twisted in the air dodging another of his lightening bolt, but I was already entering the volcano when I did that, and I scratched and slammed my body against it's rough wall, and to make matters worse, the bolt this time was a lot more heavier and thicker than the last. It completely blasted half the volcano, which was the size of a freaking mountain to rubble. Pieces of which were now falling with me to the ground.

I looked ahead to see that all the Nereids were already on the ship, and Jack and the rest were already waiting for me. In one last burst of strength, I spread very injured wings and shot forwards, unable to stop as I crashed onto the deck, breaking a few things in the process, before slamming my head against the metal tower the crows nest was built on. I felt my vision going dark as Dinah rushed towards me, but just before I went unconscious I had enough time to tell her.


{You have been heavily injured and knocked unconscious…you can not log into the game for another 72 hours….thanks for playing lost descendants online}
