Port Yurtek (I): Next Steps

I moved over a bit to sky and rubbed my hand on her head, she shook a bit mewling in pleasure as she turned over in pleasure before opening her eyes. The young elephant didn't stand on ceremony or behave like you would expect an elephant to. She jumped right into my arms, releasing soft trumpeting sounds that sounded like she was crying. I felt really bad for worrying her, so I hugged her tighter as I shifted my head to the side and said.

"You guys can come in, I already know you're there."

The door to my room slid open and I saw Dinah, Qitar, Raven Song and the clones looking at me with a sheepish expression on their face. They must have heard my entire conversation with the prime minister, which means I need to really find a way to make the rooms sound proof. But never the less I feel I like I owe them a little explanation.

"I'm sorry, I..."

"Say no more captain. In one way or another we understand the position you were in, and after the fiasco in the nereids dungeon, we understand that there are some things you would want to keep us from. We're grateful for your concern, so let's avoid the awkward apology and discuss our next move." Qitar said to me as she moved to stand in front of me.

Since I got blown up before we could fully complete our mission, she was probably not discovered, which meant she was able to get off the sea elves island in time and safe. I was happy for that, she was probably the one who brought sky back, though I really couldn't be shredded about that since it's possible the battle beast might have respawned with me.

"Well I guess the next thing on our agenda would be to get the Nereids back home, once we've done that well....I guess the next thing would be to go hunting." I said to them as I walked over to the door and made my way to the ship's deck. Raven song was the first to catch up with me as he asked.

"go hunting? For what?"

First of all I gave a rather weird chuckle, it was enough to draw the attention of the Nereids meandering around the ship. Then I turned slightly to give my best evil genius impression.



"...... "

"Are you high?" Dinah asked as she came over and placed her hand on my forehead. Qitar shook her head, turned around and went back into the ship, I'm sure she was pretty much convinced that I had lost my mind. But who knows maybe I have. But I changed the subject quickly enough so that they would all think I was joking, it wasn't time yet to spring this up on them.

"Anyway we have to plot our course for the Nereids new home. Darke you're our navigator, and you know exactly how the compass works. So what do you have for me." I asked him as I mood to the ship's steering wheel and placed a hand on it, while meticulously looking at the compass at it's center.

"The compass is old technology and very old magic, however it's quite easy to understand. Zack and Dinah have been able to properly configure and synchronize it's ability with the ship's navigation system. Based on how it relies on the wants of it's owner, or at the very least the person sailing the ship at the moment. I was able to plot a course as shown by the compass after being compelled by the Nereid elder's want of a new home. Out next journey takes us well out of the Jitusat ocean and into even more dangerous waters. We're probably going to be facing tougher challenges."

I raised an eyebrow at that, my interest completely piqued. Darke was the person on my crew who spoke the least and let his actions do the talking most in not all of them time. So for him to be talking this much, it meant this was something we really had to take serious. I turned and face him fully, feeling the wind blow my hair while I focused on Darke's serious yet handsome face.

"So where are we going?" Dinah asked moving close enough to both of us as if to remind us that she existed. Not that I think anyone of us would be forgetting her any time soon.

"We're heading to the last ocean of the old world.....the Atlantic. And our journey this time would be taking us straight to the heart of the fabled sea, right to the heart of...."


Qitar chimed in as she came back out of the ship, looks like she never went far in the first place. The way she said it send chills down my spine, like there really was something dangerous and haunting in our future. And Dinah's outburst more than proved it.

"Are you kidding me! Even off world I've heard of that damn place! It's the richest nation on this planet, and because of that it's oceans are the most violent! Let's not talk about the fact that to get passage into that ocean you need to pay a massive fine or at the very least go through a ridiculous amount of quests and tasks. Then forget about it's pirates and pirate hunters infested waters, every criminal and bounty hunter wanting to make a name for themselves go there. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, the lost city of Atlantis, though it's not so lost anymore is the most powerful force on that ocean, being both judge, jury and executioner. Those guys are not nice, and every ship on their ocean has to pay a weekly fine, and every profit made will have 20% shaved off it as tax for allowing any sort of business on their waters.

Now this is just the civilized part of things, the ocean on it's own is a bitch! She's mother to all sorts of sea monsters, cursed treasures, deserted islands and really hunky mermen! Heck yeah! Let's go there, this mama needs me some fresh meat!"

I'm sure I'm not the only one shocked by the sudden turn of events, her rant took a weird turn at the end, but who was I to curb her enthusiasm. Either way I think it would be a good idea for us to go there, because it would give us a chance to get stronger while completing our quest. Everyone seemed to be in agreement, but if seems as if Dinah had more to say.

"Either way, I think we need to dock at a major city. The ship is in need of some dire upgrades, plus we need supplies, and I need to get laid. No offense but I Made it a rule never to sleep with my boss or my coworkers, things will just get complicated. And Qitar would castrate all of you before she let's you lot lay a finger on her. So I'm sure you all need to let off some steam."

While I wouldn't have worded it that way, I think she was right. The ship had necessities we had to take care off, and we also needed to blow of some steam, me especially. I'm no saint, which is why I wouldn't blink when I say I need to get me some nice piece of ass, real life is hard work, it's time to let loose a bit. I turned to Darke and he had an answer right away for me.

"I know a place." I raised an eyebrow, that wasn't much of an answer, but I could manage.

"Well what are you waiting for, weigh anchors, hoist the sails me hearties the great blue beckons." I said with a smile, very proud of my pirate speak.

"But captain....we don't have any sails." Zack said to me


"Shut up Zack!"