New Era (V): Next Stage Of Human Evolution

At some point I knew the world I lived in now, was a lot more different than the one I was born into. Governments have wanted in power over the past century, as massive corporations rose up, becoming almost responsible for the stability and economy of whatever country they were located in. The people who ran this corporations more often than not, had the power to shape the present and future of their countries in more ways than one.

But this world was more than just the governments of earth, there were three mega spade stations that supported life, two of which currently orbited the moon, with the third being half as large as the moon and orbiting mars. And then finally the colony on Mars, the terraformed part of the planet that at the moment could support life and thrived under the watch of humanity, well I guess we call them Martians now. Science and technology have experienced big breakthroughs, and even now they were still growing at a fast pace.