Zareth (VII): Dungeon: CLEARED!

The heat went up a few notches, so much so that it was a bit difficult to breathe, the explosion shook the entire arena and massive pieces of rock and a stream of lava fell from the ceiling, and that reaction was even more prevalent went the boss fell to his knees, and spontaneously combusted into a towering pillar of flame and lava. Except for Zareth who was right at home with the flames, I flew backwards a bit, keeping a close watch as the boss buried, until all that was left was ash and a few glowing materials on the ground.

The temperature dropped a bit, but the heat was still prevalent. I dropped down from the air besides Zareth as we both stared at the remains of the boss. I didn't know what to say, or maybe I had plenty to say, but I just wanted him to take the initiative. After all Zareth was not a player, he's an indigene of LDO, a part of this world.