Dragon Wars & The Trident City Of Atlantis (I): Persephone

I flew over the waters the fork trailing behind me and parting the sea, shots from the turrets flew past me intercepting shots from the enemy ships. Since the main ship still had that dome on it, we have to deal with it last, and to be honest it sort of worked well for me. At least this way I could slaughter my way through the two burning ships and leave the inhabitants of the main ship shaking and quaking in fear.

I landed on the first ship startling the people on it who were slowly shifting the target to a rampaging Zareth on the other ship. I swept the two meter long fork over my head and slammed it into the chest of the person closest to me, he seems to be an orc. There was loud thud as he was blasted towards the port side of the ship, acting like a bowling ball as he took out most of his comrades. It was then I realized that of all the people here, more than 90% of them were players.