Hearing it made her mom Laugh out loud "oh darling.." kneeling down, kissing her adorable little honey-bun at the cheeks she add "must be because your daddy's target of joke is me.."

"you are daddy's.... target?, wont you die mommy? Don't leave OK?...."Aly who is about to cry with her trembling lips she said "i hate daddy! I hate daddy! "

She was carried by her mom next to her chest and said "no-no-no.. don't take what i said literally darling.. your daddy loves mommy so much just as much as he loves you" "if daddy hear you say that, you will make daddy cry so don't hate daddy, did you understand my little darling?"

Her eyes wide open she ask her mom again with her silly questions "then why is he targeting you?"

" about this, do you want a mission?"


"yup, its something that only you can do.. do you want it?"

Nodding vigorously, little Aly said "like daddy?"

Giggling, her mom replied while chuckling "hehehe.. yes like daddy"

she hug her mom tightly asking for a hard one "then i want it mommy, i want something difficult like daddy's missions.."

"hmm OK then, darling your mission is to find someone who will make you laugh even when his jokes are terrible" looking at her daughter so gently she add "when you found him, you should introduce him to us OK?."

"hmm" "but mommy isn't it easy?, i just have to find someone who will make me blush just like how daddy did to you" eyes twinkling she add her silly plan, happily grinning Aly said "easy-easy.. haha i just have to tickle him to laugh"

Enjoying her daughters responses "you silly girl.. it should be him making you laugh not the other way around!" she laugh again and add, "yup.. you just have to find someone like daddy"

thinking about what her daughter said she thought "am.. i that easy to get?" "am.. i that...obvious?" ehemm.. clearing her throat..

"then mommy why do you have to meet him?" full of confusion, she is a child who ask for too many question by just hearing few words..

Laughing again she nozzle her nose to her adorable little buns nose and said "so that we get to know him" , "so that one day when he became our family..we don't have to worry about your happiness"

"OK mommy..i will look for him and make him meet you but mommy, i am already happy now.. can we skip the meeting?"

Quite pleased to what her daughter said, her heart is welling up with happiness "hmm..then when are you going to let us meet him?" "don't you want him to be our family?"

"mommy.. Aly already have you and daddy, aren't we family?" her mom who is about to answer was interrupted by her husbands sudden intervention..

"besides daddy will not let my little honey-bunny be taken away by a stranger..right my little bunny?" walking closer to little Aly.

"welcome home daddy!"

"welcome home honey-bun" she hug her husband and invited him at the dinner table "come.. your right on time, we are about to finish cooking"

"im home honey-bun and daddy's little honey-bunny!" he hug back her wife and kiss her on her lips and together with his daughter he kiss her too in her little cheeks which made little Aly giggle too

Sitting in front of the table, he place his arm down the table his fingers intertwined one another..he look at her two love ones seriously as if he was interrogating a criminal "so what is it that you're discussing about?"

Aly look at her mommy and found her laughing "hmm?" tilting her head as if a big question mark appeared at the top of her little head.

"well you see honey-bun, i gave our little bunny a mission."

"and?" waiting for a continuation but end up disappointed

"its a secret honey-bun.. it is a secret between girls right darling?" , "but don't you worry because our little bun said she wanted to be like some ways "looking at her daughter mischievously..

"i like daddy's missions but i want to be like mommy more!" she smiled so brightly that made her father teary "just the mission and not me?.. how unfair" his lips pouted like a child, copying her daughter cute little gestures..

"daddy!, hahaha it doesn't suit you!" she happily made her father fall into a slight dejection.

Watching from the side, Alys' mom only laugh at how her husband lose to her without even her fighting. From the very beginning the husband and wife often banters for Alys favor and love..its an happy occasion all in all.

As she was still cooking she leave the two for a moment as she was preparing for the dinner

Her head tilted again full of confusion she nod "yes daddy, its a secret" smiling so brightly.,

He was utterly defeated by his wife and daughter duo.. he started laughing "hey!..that is unfair you guys..let daddy join too.." he stand up and walk closer to his daughter and tickle her which filled the house with laughter..

As still a child Aly still doesn't understand what her mom was talking about back then.

I am indeed a bad daughter, as an only child how could i make him cry?. I realize how unfair i was back then however deep inside i know that this dream made me happy, being with my family.

Now somehow i know what love is through my parents.. Love is acceptance and loyalty and love is a desire to keep the people they love their first priority, for the safety of the person they treasure they will fight against all odds. if only i can turn back time, even at the cost of my life i am willing to sacrifice.

A single tear dropped from her swollen closed eyes rolling down to her rosy cheek falling to the water

"im back mommy, daddy..i love you" she said lovingly with longing, heavy heart.

That dream mark as the end of her tiring day.

That dream mark as the end of her tiring day.