At Lenards room

"Hmm so it is a poison indeed.. i need to look and do a thorough research on how im going to concoct a unknown medicine to an unknown poison. I have to look for the herbs while doing trial and error. Not only that, i have to maintain his good health.. one wrong move and everything may crumble. It is not that easy to come up with plans and computations only to be seen as useless.."

mumbling to herself, she hold another newly bought pen equal to the amount of her salary, writing down the necessary ingredients and its descriptions, she scratch her head.

"damn! Where do i start?." If its a poison known to the world perhaps i had a way to do it but what now?."

Her irritation is clouding her mind, she may had a good personality and a long patience but when it comes to her profession her personality turned three hundred sixty degree change. She was a mad researcher.. a mad doctor and a great expert in medicine and human body but she loses her cool when she can't find answers no matter how hard she tries looking for it.

"knock-knock" a gentle knock was heard in prince Lenard's door, compared than before.

The sound coming from it is pleasing to her ears and to avoid dejavu.. her expensive pen is now tied to her table by a golden thread,. Afraid, General Gayous gave it to her because he doesn't want her to go on a killing spree just because of her pen who always jump down from the window but never comes back.

"Lady Yan, how is he?." He walk beside Lenard's bed and bend down, half kneeling he cup the left hand of his friend and felt his pulse. Although he has no knowledge in medical areas he knows that its irregularity shows an unknown danger. He look at him so gently, he was so afraid that if he left him again, he will regret it for the rest of his life.

He finally calmed down.. Lady Yan look at the youths figure before answering "he was a little stable for now until he woke up i have to continue my monitor. I had given him a medicine that will help to supply the necessary nutrients his body needed."

"im not saying that you don't have to worry but Butler Kamui, you need to be strong. Did you understand me?"

He nod, he knew very well what she meant "thank you, in fact.. his majesty said the same thing to me before" so i understand.. "is it OK if i stay here?"

She shrugged her shoulder "stay as much as you want, you are his butler after all and it is your duty to serve him."

"thank you.. would you like something to drink?" he smiled and wait for a reply.. "afraid to be misunderstood he quickly add, as you are here as his highness prince Lenard's physician, its only right that i serve you as well while you are here"

As if the reason is acceptable enough she nod for confirmation "thank you, i want black coffee please"

"i shall make you one, please wait for a moment" he walk straight to the kitchen on the right side of Lenard's comfort room. Lenard hates eating in the castle not unless it was made by Kamui himself.

Two minutes later and Kamui was finally out of the kitchen, his hand holding a tray "here.. enjoy" he smiled and took a seat beside Lenard's bed.

She tilted her head and ask "cake?"

"yes.. i noticed that you are getting thinner so i specially made this cake this morning for you. " He said without changes in his youthful poker face

She thought inwardly. Am i? Really?.. Blushing.. she put the thought behind her mind and said her thanks.. "this is really good.. do you always bake cakes? how many flavors and types can you do?" she asked as if she was interested.

"i can pretty much do anything so baking a cake is an easy thing to do. Why did you ask? Are you interested to cakes too?. wanna learn?" he look at her and his eyes shines brightly meeting hers. He finally found someone who loves doing what he loves...

Still flustered, she turned her head to avoid his stares she said "i see... well i love eating sweet things that is why im asking and... im not good at cooking at all."

"oh can you make me strawberry tart?" she finally look at him only to see him staring at her unwavering. If this is a comic, a smoke may have seen coming out of her head.

He smiled and said "OK.. i will make you some later..." he look at her so gently that he didn't know he was unintentionally making the girl think of unnecessary thoughts. They both knew it didn't mean a thing but for those who will see the situation they will definitely assume that there is something going on between the two.