What's a chibi doing here?

Emily's POV:

I don't recall after what time; I was ultimately able to feel myself again. Should I call it a miracle? Let's not bother about it for now. I got bigger problems to deal with. Even if I died. Like, the chibi in front of me. Yep, there is a chibi right in front of me. 'The' real one.

I know that I'm officially insane, but this doesn't count within the bounds of insanity. That I remember. So, before I inevitably drive anyone else crazy along with me, let's know what actually happened, before I was knocked out that is.

When I got out from all that shit, I had to go through for inexplicable reasons, I was able to come or more aptly 'return' to my 'mind space' in my astral form or simply like a soul which I currently am.

Yeah, I'm a witch, so having a mind space of my own is very legit, you know. It took me all my brains , heart and soul to build one inside my head, 'cause the spell was just that hard. And that thing didn't screw me in the end. Should I rejoice the fact that there is fairness left in...hell, perhaps?

Who cares, I have my mind space back with me, my best asset. That means I have hopes of finding whoever, screwed me to this deplorable condition. Along with answers. And maybe, emphasizing on maybe, I could find 'them' too.

So with renewed spirits, I look at the endless but familiar grey surrounding me. Concentrating my magic, which I barely managed to keep with all the trouble it's worth, I did the spell required to enter my mind space. I was half expecting for the spell to fail spectacularly, but somehow it didn't go wrong.

Good, the very first thing that hadn't messed up since a long time now. When the spell finished, the barrier surrounding my mind cracks a little like it should and I enter the opening, the landscape changes and my real mind space behind it appears.

Well, calling it 'mind palace' is more correct at this stage. Because it is called mind palace spell, duh. Though the palace looks more like a modern HQ of filthy rich organisation on top of a secluded island. The spell says it should ideally be a 'palace', but call I it HQ, consider it my taste.

Well, the HQ of my mind is similar, no, a replica of Aseth HQ where I grew up. It is nostalgic. The sight of huge buildings, sectors, offices, labs, etc. was completely normal and the way it should be. Nothing out of place.

Just painfully reminding me of my wretchedness. The personal guilt, anger, all the emotions bottled inside me finally broke, like countless pieces of shattered glass. The broken shards sunk deeply into my soul, giving me the wounds and scars I can never hope to recover from. I questioned myself again and again why I was careless, why I couldn't protect everything dear to me.

Everything inside reminded me of the the things I lost forever. Now I understand that it was a foolish move to come in.

Looking at the place, which usually held precious memories, now all I could see was my destruction. With that, I felt my soul shatter too. The spell accurately reflects my mind. So the the spell started crumbling too, identical to me. The HQ was facing its very first apocalypse.

While I was meeting my demise, some light beam came from the dull cracks of the frail barrier. It morphed into something. It started nervously coming towards me. Well, let it come. I couldn't care any less about it. I was having a mental breakdown and was super fine with it. It perceived my state too. Therefore, it just knocked me out by 'blowing my brains' inside my mind.

In short, I enter my HQ inside my mind, let my emotions get the better of me, had a mental breakdown, and before I obliterated myself, I was knocked out by something 'outside of my mind'. As simple as that.

And I could feel fate, karma, god, Buddha, Jesus Christ toying with me. Because....because the thing that knocked me out was a CHIBI! A goddamn cute one at that! How should I possibly react to this? What should I do?

#should I kill it? No, its too cute.

#should I ignore it? No, its too cute for that.

#How about I threaten it? No, it looks like it can be scared too easily, and it could possibly die.




#I should probably speak with it before it dies due to nervousness.

After a million suggestions, I settled with the last one. It came quite late. Though it makes perfect sense because my brain just started working normally. Taking a deep breath, I look at it. 'It' because I can't tell if its a boy or girl.

It has fluffy brown hair and brown eyes, which are nervously staring at its feet and occasionally at me. Its fingers are twirling in circles. They are quite small and fair, completely blended in its white bunny PJs. If it had appeared when I was sane, I would've squealed then die due to a nosebleed.

I tried my best to not appear crazy. When I achieved at least a normal expression on my face, I finally had the guts to speak with it.

"Who and what are you doing, here?"

"何?" was its reply, with its face suddenly blank and I could see the word '何' written all over its face!

"何...nani...means what." was my thought.

Is there any rule that all chibis can only know Japanese just because they're chibis?!!!

I'm currently out of my mind, though technically inside my mind but...how am I supposed to converse in Japanese when I'm struggling to form sentences. It's so tiresome, even in death.

I take an extra deep once again breath because I don't want to commit a crime by killing such a rare species in a bout of frustration and add one more sin on top of my head. That would be regretful.

"Who are you?" I asked this time in Japanese.

"eh, etto, I-I'm Annie, no Anna!" she stumbled.

"Annie or Anna?" I ask, trying to hold my piling stress together caused by her clumsiness. Looks like 'she' noticed my patience running out, so she tried to calm herself. Nice. But then again, why is she able to know my mood in matter of seconds?

"It's Anna. Annabelle. But sometimes you call me Annie, so-"

"Wait, you said I 'called' you, that means I know you?" I cut in there.

"Yes, of course! You know me, after all..." she started getting confused and went into deep thought trying to search all the Japanese words that will help her to prevent me in cutting her open to see what's inside.

"After all?" I finally lost patience.

"Well, how to say this, you will once know me." she said hesitantly.

Ha, is my Japanese screwed or, this chibi's? Probably the entire world is. And here I thought that death would spare me from it. Guess I was wrong. Should've realised before. Should've ignored all the cutenss. Death has made me dumb.

So guess what, I'm gonna try and attempt another mental breakdown once again. Oh, others might think it's not possible. But for me, that's completely and entirely possible.

And I was about to meet my demise for sure this time, then that chibi, Anna once again successfully stopped it.

"Wait! Pl-please wait for a moment" Fine, I'll wait and see what you're up to. You better be, because I might kill you with me this time if you don't.

She quickly gave me her backpack. She gave look that said ' please open and see it, everything is in it. I'm unable to help other than that.'

Alright, I'll do it.