Breaking (3) <R-18>

A few hours ago, exactly 5:45 pm. Holy Child Academy, within a room with a signage 'Student Publication'.

Outside, the sun was already nowhere to be found, only the darkening skies that became a mix of red, orange, and a little dark blue was.

Barely a few people remained in the school because it was already more than an hour and a half since the classes were dismissed. The remaining people were the staffs over timing in their tables, and some sanitary engineers checking the classrooms one by one for naughty students doing something they should not or garbage that had been forgotten to throw out.

Few students were still around. Some of them were at the Faculty room or Library, either assisting teachers with their test papers and records, or training for upcoming citywide academic contests. Of course, those training at sports clubs or academic clubs like the Basketball Club, and Journalists Club were also among the teens still on the campus.

Gilla Broe was one such student. She was the Chief Editor of the Holy Child's English Publication which was in charge of daily campus news reports and gossips. She always one to go home late due to her editing duties. As added information, their publication was the one compiling all sorts of lists and non-academical ranking. The Goddesses List was precisely one of their works.

Gilla was quite well known on the campus. Like Sofony and the rest, she was an eleventh grader and she was someone who never failed to make it to the top 10. Gilla was quite a beauty as well. However, like Felicity, she was not listed as a campus goddess. The publication was not thick-faced enough to do that even if she was the current chief.

"Chief, chief! Look! Big news!"

The sudden appearance of one of Gilla's paparazzi startled the woman who was absorbed in copyreading that time. The girl pushed her glasses' frame up and directed her wide but intellectual eyes to the boy.

"Catch your breath first, Miggs. You look so like someone who just finished a ten thousand mile marathon."

The boy had a hand on one of his knees while the other was tightly grabbing on the doorknob. His breathing was very rough and his chest was violently heaving up and down as he gasped for air. It testified that he had been running at full speed to get to the publication's dedicated room.

After catching some breath, the boy Gilla called Miggs frantically rushed to her. He took out his phone and shoved it to her face! "A big news! A scandal!"

Gilla was badly surprised by his actions and leaned her head back in haste. A yell accompanying.

When she recovered from the fright, she violently grabbed his hand, snatched the phone, and twisted the hand she had caught.

"Aaaawwwww! Chief, let go! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!!!"

"Damn kid! How dare you frightened your superior! How dare this hand frighten me? You think because this chief has no phone I badly want to play with yours?!"

"Forgive me already! I, I just have news I badly want to share."

Gilla gave him first a vicious glare before letting his arm go. The boy complained of fractured bones but she didn't give a damn. She was Gilla, a violent, pretty, intelligent and unreasonable Editor in Chief! No one should cross her! Well, at least people knew they could not cross her if they were not at the level of Wendy Gomez, a campus acclaimed brainy beauty known for her unreasonableness.

"Let's see what you have here. Is it the public FB page? Eh?" The woman fiddled with her eyeglasses in shock and swiftly pressed the pause button on the screen, her hand fidgeting afterward. "Y-you're making me watch porn!? Damn you, Miggs! Explain! What's the meaning of this?! You have bad intentions against me?!"

"N-no! Listen! It's a student of ours! Watch closely, chief! The girl is one of the popular girls in the whole campus!" Afraid of getting another beating, the boy immediately retreated and hurriedly explained.

Gilla, whose face was already red, trembled in anger as she glared at Miggs, "You're not kidding me, are you?" By this time, she had yet to see the face of the female spreading her legs and moaning in the video.

"I-it's Felicity!"

"Oh? Felicity?" Shocked crossed Gilla's face and she started looking around to make sure Miggs and her were the only souls present. Then she immediately unpaused the video to brave the blush-inducing scene. In reality, she was only blushing because there was a boy near her. She was not actually innocent since she once slept with Floyd.

"That's only one of the videos. I-I already watched the others." Miggs face was very red, redder than any ripe apple. "She's known as Floyd's girlfriend. People said they already broke up. But there are constant discussions of Floyd being a rapist and killer. And then this happened."

Gilla's face was very red, and it's the same for Miggs who already arrived next to her. The girl was very focused on the video content and from time to time, she was closing her eyes and cursing out. Miggs was having a reaction down there as the sounds were not muted, but he was afraid to be found out so he hurriedly turned around.

"T-this is a huge scandal... I browsed all the forums and SNS school pages and the videos are also uploaded there. Not many comments are there, but I'm sure after some time, this will be a huge matter! This, This... This Felicity is very lascivious! F-Floyd was given so many green hats! What the eff!"

"C-calm down, chief. Y-you're staring at the screen so intensely."

"W-who cares! I like this! This Felicity has always been getting into my nerves. She's not serious in studies, fake-faced, boastful of being Floyd's nominal girlfriend, and here's the real her, a very dirty slutty woman!"

Miggs was dumbfounded at his chief's excited voice. He turned around, and saw her excitedly typing replies and capturing screenshots at a speed so fast, he was suspecting a hundred steamy screenshots were already taken.

"What are you doing?!"

"Haha, Miggs. I'll personally write and post the articles on the bulletins! I'll cover the boards with her nude body and her men's uncensored sex scenes! I'll make sure that these will be what greets every student and teachers eyes tomorrow! Let's see if she can still raise a head to the public after this! Haha, I really love how open our school is to our publication. So great! I just need an hour to do all of these!"

Miggs who was alarmed by the girl's craziness took back his phone. "Stop that! It's bad! You don't have to do that because it's obvious that before the sun rises tomorrow, everybody will already know! Or if you're going to publish something, just make an article but not the pictures! I-It's immoral! Eyes will be corrupted!"

Gilla was angry that the phone was snatched but the boy had already backed away in a corner and even raised it high. This paparazzi in the making was quite tall so if she wanted to snatch it, jumping wouldn't suffice for her.

She cursed under her breath.

She actually also thought that what she had planned was quite overboard, but she was an editor in chief! It's her job to deliver juicy news to her readers! And it's not her fault that something like this leaked out! This Miggs was even the one who showed the videos to her.

Another thought appeared in her mind that made her unwilling to give up.

It was Felicity! That Felicity who robbed Floyd away from her! As she thought of this, she couldn't put away the anger and the gloating, and the excessive impulse to add oil to the already raging fire was swiftly consuming her.

"You better give that to me, boy. I worked hard taking all those screenshots, and we're tight on time. You know, I don't have a phone and our room's computer has no internet. Give that to me."

The calmness and threat in her voice made Miggs froze. His eyes followed her as she put down her eyeglasses on the table, strode to him, and eyed him ferociously! It was very scary, and it caused his Adam apple to bob.

It took him a lot of courage to reply, "I-I don't want to! I only shared it with you because it's huge news. But I didn't expect you, chief, to think of plastering every wall with nude pictures. I-I don't agree with that."

"Heh, Miggs boy, I'm your editor in chief. I know what I'm doing. It's just making the news official by pasting them to the bulletins. Think about it, everybody will eventually know. It won't make much of a difference if we post an official article. But it will be our shame if we don't do our jobs properly."


Gilla stood before him and extended her right hand, the palm open. "Give it to me. Felicity is already destroyed so you don't have to be guilty. It will not be our fault. We're not the one who posted the videos in every forum."

Miggs was still shaking his head. He still didn't feel like it was alright. He was even thinking that his chief was already insane. Miggs thought he should just escape from there, and given his long legs, there should be no problem leaving Gilla eating the dust his shoes left.

However, he underestimated her desperation.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. She then took back her arm and started smoothing down her hair. "Boy. Fine. I'll first give an advance payment for the videos and pictures..."

That time, her voice suddenly turned wet, and seductive. Miggs hands and eyelashes shook, while his mouth became wide open. His eyes stared dumbfounded before him.

Gilla started unbuttoning her white uniform and unhooked her skirt! The smooth and fair collarbone and a large part of her breast became visible, and the lower half was only left with a tiny clothe which sole purpose was to make her look very erotic.

The sight is so sinful!

"Come, boy, you can give that to me first. Not the videos and pics, but that."

As Gilla walked to him and clung tightly to his body while undressing him, Miggs, this weak-hearted wannabe paparazzi swallowed some saliva. His body and face heating up at the skin contact and the feeling or a girl kissing his neck.

"C-chief?" 'Don't tell me Chief is actually one of the girls in the urban legend, one of those that had been turned by that rapist Floyd?'

Gilla's hand moved down to his hard-on and unzipped his pants.

"Hey. Let's start. Do me, like how the men did Felicity. I assure you, you'll love this activity. It will be very pleasurable."

'And then once we're at it, I can have nice sex, and then the videos. Two birds in one stone.'

After a few minutes, Gilla was seen naked, convulsing as she moaned, sweating hard as she came from the violent but inexperienced thrusts of the boy who finally surrendered to lust and pushed her down to the floor. Their intertwining figures were hidden by the wide table, but their wet voices and gasps couldn't be hidden. Fortunately, no one's around, even though the door was left wide open.


The night was already late, it was past nine. The place was the Gomez family home. Inside a room filled with sky blue walls, bed, lampshade, bags, clothes, and school stuff, a girl in a white shirt and blue denim shorts angrily swept her eyes on the stack of papers on her hand. She had been like that after eating dinner. However, when the clock's hand turned to nine, she paused and started tidying.

"It's bedtime. I should just continue this tomorrow."

Since there was still a class tomorrow, Wendy had no choice but stop reading the reports her brother brought her home. It's time to sleep. However, it has become her routine to post about her day in her FB profile before sleeping. This was why after tidying, she grabbed her phone on top of the table and then jumped onto her sky blue blanketed bed.

"This has been a very bad day." She posted.

There was a reason for that. Wendy didn't like how there was no progress in locating the prime suspect for the teacher's case. The death of the school teacher had brought her endless worry and sadness. Like Sofony, she was also one of the students who loved Teacher Agatha. This was why she was quite heartbroken that things were progressing slowly.

"Teacher's husband rushed to brother's station again and started wreaking havoc there. I heard he also pestered our principal and school authorities. He's very pitiful."

"Sis, before you sleep, pray!"

Wendy turned to the left and saw her brother Simonne peeking through the door. His good-looking face as cold as always.

"Yeah, you too. Now, go away and close the door."


The door finally closed and she was left to her devices. She checked if there were comments under her post and her lips curled up as thousands of co-students and even teachers left comments asking her why. She replied to some that she thought that mattered, and ignored the others that were merely fangirling.

As she scrolled down the notifications though, one particular tag called her attention and her fair and snow white forefinger clicked on that feeds, her eyes fully focused on the screen.

However, as seconds passed, she felt like she should not have let her curiosity get the better of her. It had been a very regretful experience. What she got after the page loaded up was free porn of two popular students. They deserved to be crowned for their shamelessness as their naked bodies filled her screen!

"Ahhhhhhhhh!! My eyes! My innocent eyes!!!!"

"Huhu, my eyes got devirginized by a stupid video!"

"Ugh! What did I just watch!?"

When Simonne hurried to check her situation, he saw Wendy weirdly rolling on her bed, kicking into the air with her face covered. The phone was lying sadly on the white tiles.


A deafening shout came out as a reply, "GET OUT! GET OUT!"

"Alright. But are you okay? Why did you scream so loud? And I seem to be hearing some weird noises? Huh, what's that?"


Wendy had to get up from the bed and slammed the door to her brother's face before she managed to get her peace.

She angrily picked up her phone then stopped the playing video. Of course not without cursing Felicity, her sex partner in the video, and whoever maliciously shared the video to her.

"Just great. Who's so villainous to do this to me and to every other virgin eyed girls in the world? But the problem is, why is Felicity in the video? Is this tampered or what?"

"Gosh, no matter what, that girl will surely have it hard for the coming days. This is very maddening!"

Wendy was actually experiencing a whirlwind of both doubts, disgust, and worry. Be it Felicity or not, that kind of activity was very disgusting.

She was breathing hard when she messaged Sofony not to watch their school's already viral videos. Wendy repeatedly stressed to if possible, not just watch or read anything from their forums and school pages. Just sleep! Sofony, in her opinion, was too pure to get enlightened to this kind of thing. She did what her brother asked to do, she prayed, prayed for Sofony to not experience her eyes being corrupted too! And prayed for Felicity.

"If it's really her... Why? How could she do that? What could lead a sweet girl like her to become like that? That Floyd must be the damn culprit again!?"

Angered and face still red, she started wrestling and punching the mattress and furiously began raining bad words with Floyd's name.

"He must have threatened and cornered Felicity too since those guys are Floyd's gangmates! Ugh! He didn't feel content with the mess he left us, he was probably the one who released these videos to ruin his girlfriend together with him!"

Emotions took over her brain again, and her mind went to who knows where.
