Result (2)

Felicity was not close to Sofony Mendez. However, since she was the only friend who had the heart to visit her in her most vulnerable moment, she kindly invited her in.

"Your house is really huge."


Felicity guided the other girl in her room and ordered one of their maids to bring some snacks and drinks. The look of unwillingness and annoyance that flashed in that maid's face didn't escape Felicity and Sofony's eyes. Felicity didn't comment on it and just motioned her visitor to take a seat on the couch opposite hers.

"You should be also like that to me." Self-mockingly, Felicity blurted out once the maid was out of sight.

Sofony was busy suppressing the heavy feeling in her so she idiotically asked, "Why?"


A bitter laugh rang out as a response. Then, Felicity added.

"Don't bullshit me that you haven't seen yet how my body was played by so many men. The videos last night spread wide. I bet the whole city knows. Even the maid, who has been with me for so many years, is giving me detesting glances, what more of the people outside? I don't want to imagine. And I didn't come to school due to that."

Sofony immediately lowered her face. Felicity assumed it was her silent way of saying yes. Everybody in Holy Child Academy were doing so. A sharp pain bisected her heart. As expected, she was now being despised and laughed at. What else she should expect?

"I'm not bright. But I'm sure everyone is talking badly about me by now. After all, who would have thought that a Felicity Dimatrionez is a sex-maniac f*cked by a group of stupid men."

"Stop speaking like that!"

Felicity who was hurting within ignored Sofony's agitated interjection.

"What? Too pure to bear the word 'f*ck'? Who cares? I already accepted it all. Chris even swore to never look at and for me again. He couldn't accept how I loved doing sex with other men. I know nobody with pure feelings and sane head like him would be able to. And I guess, Floyd only accepted it because he's not in love with me, only enamored with my body. Well, that's the reason why I chose him to be my boyfriend."

Sofony closed her eyes. Felicity mockingly watched her but loathed her for doing so.

"Do you feel like I'm so vulgar now? Haha, Miss Sofony, you wouldn't be able to imagine how worst I really am."

'I perfectly know...'

In Sofony's mind, these words crossed, but of course, the other girl was unaware.

A long while followed, Sofony took a deep breath and started talking about another concern, "I saw Chris. He ran away from your house. He left the gate opened, and that's how I managed to get in." She apologized about the trespassing issue before resuming.

"It's true that he looks devastated since he didn't even glance at me when I call him. But you know, he still loves you, very much, and he's just temporarily muddle-headed. I'm sure of that. You know that only someone who loves sincerely can have a broken heart. But in the end, after he grieves over it, he will still realize that his feelings are still there. And it's only you who have to make a decision, whether you want to be with him or not."

Felicity merely shook her head then sarcastically laughed. "I thought you don't know love?"

"I don't. But I'm not blind."

"But you are kind of stupid. So much for our grade's fifth-ranked." Felicity's voice conveyed her sneering and the eyes looking at Sofony was full of criticism. "How come you don't understand that no self-respecting man will accept a girl with no sexual self-respect? I already said it a while ago. Is it hard for you to comprehend that the moment he saw those videos, we can no longer be?"

Felicity's voice reached a higher pitch as she shouted to the idiotic girl giving her a stunned look.

"You don't know who I really am. In the surface, I know you as a gentle beautiful nerdy. Meanwhile, you know me as Floyd's girlfriend, Wendy's friend, and now a slut everybody in the world is laughing at. I actually have predicted sooner or later, this will be my ending. It's because I refused to change my ways. It's my choice. I embraced this life in my own accord. So don't pity me."

Sofony's mouth was open and it kept on moving, a sign that she wanted to say some words of refute or comfort. However, her guilty conscience kept on bugging her, confusing her, to the point she doubted if it's alright for her to speak. In the end, she didn't manage to say anything.

Silence assumed reign of the place for a long time. Felicity gradually calmed down while looking at her feet. A part of her was loosening up after the outburst, but still, she no longer wished to continue this meaningless talk.

Felicity's mouth open again, this time, her tone was a lot lower but still sad and unfeeling.

"Anyways, thank you for visiting me. I don't have anything else to talk with you so please leave after you eat. By the way, my Dad will transfer me somewhere tomorrow, so you don't have to worry that I will go back to Holy Child. Wendy can do me a favor by being with Chris."

Felicity stood up and left her only visitor rudely in the spacious living room. The maid just happened to go back in the place with a tray in her hands. This maid, and actually everyone in the big house, was aware of the recent scandals involving their young miss. Due to this, their usually pleasant and subservient attitude towards the girl was now replaced with a frown and look of disgust. Some of the maids who had secretly got slept with by Felicity's father even wondered if she also got bedded by her own father, if she's also one of their 'sisters'.

The maid walked towards the still stunned girl sitting on a one-seater sofa. She was guessing what kind of conversation Felicity had with this beautiful classmate and later came up with the conclusion that her young miss said some hurtful words to render Sofony in this state of stupor.

'Gosh, such a caring girl and she dared do that to her. What? Is she insecure that her stinky secret has been revealed and wanted to vent to this kind girl? Why did this poor girl even visited our slut?'

In the end, people love to assume and connect unrelated dots. They do it in a way convenient to their beliefs. Sometimes it's hard to judge if not knowing more about a situation is a sin or not.

The maid didn't know that Sofony was the one behind the ongoing scandal. She just understood that her young miss somehow starred in so many porn videos now circulating in the world. This was her reason why her criticisms and biases were only against Felicity.


Arriving at home, the first thing Sofony did after throwing her bag to the sofa and changing into house clothes, was to ask the immoral devil in her brain.

"System, I already took away Chris from Felicity this way. Can't it be interpreted already as snatching him away from her?"

Her heart hoped badly for a positive answer. Just end it already, that was what it said. Just declare it done. She was already so weary of dealing with this issue.

From the very start, she didn't even want to do this mission, otherwise, she wouldn't have been so half-hearted about it.

The cold voice of the thing in her head echoed.

"Ah." She tiredly collapsed on the bed with her eyes closed.

These reports only succeeded in making her more angry, ashamed, guilty, and annoyed. She laid there on her bed at Gio's condo with her face planted on a pillow. Her body and mind were very exhausted as she just finished crying. But she made her brain more worked furiously than ever, desperate to just end this damn fiasco.

"My intelligence is now 20 so more or less I should be smart enough to at least think of a plan."

"I beg you, brain. Think of a plan, spot the loopholes..."

"The mission is almost half-done, I only have to work on being his official girlfriend. But how? And what about Gio?"

She started punching the mattress and flailing crazily her limbs in the air.

"Yeah, so much of an advise from the immoral you. But, no thanks. I'm perfectly happy keeping myself as I am now."

"I beg you, stop! Stop!"

Sofony tried her best to ignore the system and concentrate on brainstorming. Unfortunately, the immoral system was in the mood to blabber so many nonsenses today. Every word it said successfully irritated her.

She huffed in annoyance and stood up. Maybe some water would help, she thought. She got herself a glass of it and after drinking, she put the glass in the dishwasher.

The phone in her skirt's pocket suddenly vibrated. When she took a brief glance, she saw it was actually Gio texting her that she should not wait for him tonight. Apparently, something came up in business and he would have to go out of the country to settle it. Sofony could only sigh and reply with a few concerned words.

Her coming days seemed to be much bleaker than initially predicted.