Meeting People (1)

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Name: Sofony Mendez

Official Name: Host 137 (Immoral System)

Level: 2

Age: 18

Pleasure Points: 576

=ATTRIBUTES (Basic Human - 10)=

Strength: 20

Stamina: 22

Intelligence: 25

Dexterity: 20

Charm: 25

Luck: 20


* Studying - A

* Lovemaking - B

* Singing - D+

* Dancing - F-

* Acting - A

* Cooking - B

* House Management - C+

* Hypnosis - A

* Makeup Application - B

* Business Management - C-

* Modelling - C+


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Eve of the second day of the School Fest.

For the whole week, the school admin arranged several popular artists and bands to stage a daily mini-concert. Naturally, many people attended and all of them spent half of their nights in the open court of the academy, eager to see their favorite stars and obtain some autographs while at it.

However, Sofony was not part of them. As someone who had little to no interest with celebrities, she deemed it better to stay at home and busy herself with reflecting over the inconvenience of not being able to access the shop.

'I'm so idiot. I said I want to be useful to him, but here I am. Back to being a leech again. Even if I want to show-off, the system is not allowing me. Just why is my life like this?'

Sofony wanted to cry.

The only thing great about her in this world was her abilities to purchase sci-fi-like products and extremely accurate information. Both were services the system categorized under the Shop so right now, she was almost totally useless.

Okay, she might not be too meritless if her hypnosis ability would be counted in. But what was the use of that? It was not like Gio would bring her to any gathering and make her hypnotize people he disliked in order to get their dirty secrets or make them commit suicide. Also, Sofony was aware of her current standing in society. Setting aside the fact that she was quite young, she was a girl of no weighty status, no reputation, no achievements. In short, there's nothing whatsoever to attach to her name.

She was still useless. A fact that made her unsatisfied with herself.

As she rolled over the carpet of the living room while the TV was on the news broadcasts, her eyes went to her user interface where they stopped at the words Pleasure Points. Sofony suddenly sat up properly, a frown appearing in her face.

'System, are you sure I obtained these many points out of this XXXXXXX skill here?'

An ever so depressing voice answered sarcastically.

Sofony's frown deepened as she was very annoyed by its tone.

To be honest, if she had any choice she wouldn't talk with this hateful and unreasonable devil. She still couldn't forget how it issued her a very difficult task only to declare it a failure half an hour after. The pain she suffered was still fresh in her memories and every time she recalls it, the shiver that ran up her spine was not pleasant. There was also the issue with her thousands of points getting wasted. She was not reconciled with everything she had gone through and now her slightly blackening mind was dictating her to find ways to retaliate against the system - if getting rid of it would be impossible.

She temporarily shook off the idea in her mind. Right now what she should focus on was this unknown skill that popped up after she leveled up to 2. It was really irking something within her.

It's been a week or so since she first got it. Ever since then, she started pestering the system how it could affect her and why it was censored. Every time she did, it only kept on saying it was a passive skill for gaining points and that's all she should know.

'What's this XXXXXXX? Why not just show it to me directly?'

The reply this time made her more confused.

'What?' Her brain seemed to have short-circuited a bit.

For quite a long while, Sofony didn't know what she should reply. Her mind worked furiously and came up with a conclusion that for this skill to make the former her sealed every memory regarding it, it could only be bad.

The problem is, she can't really recall anything about it. Heck, she never even thought that it was she who asked the system to erase it in her memories.

But, she was sure that this skill was not a normal one. She was quite confident due to previous experience. The first time she leveled up, the Makeup Skill was normal, but Hypnosis was the opposite. This time she received Modelling as the normal life skill, and this long strings of Xs must be the opposite.

Thinking of this, she tried to ask the system if she could use her remaining skills to cancel out the censoring. She was thinking if at least she'd know what this row of Xs is, she would be able to plan how to deal with it. Sadly, the system said her points were far from enough and that she's not allowed to demand a cancellation due to the shop ban.

She didn't really like how there was suddenly one more unknown she had to worry about. The feeling was very irritating.

Due to her frustration, Sofony chewed on her lower lip then started to rain the system with countless 'I hate you's in her mind.

But the system only sneered before replying,

'Did I ever ask if you're fond of me? No, because it's obvious! So why can't I hate you? Is my personal freedom of hating others also included to what your main brain wants to ban? You're hateful! Don't you know that? If you can't go to hell, then why don't you just disappear from the face of the earth!'

Sofony childishly kept on chanting the same three words as if to totally disgust the loathful thing in her head. There was not much result from this action, but at least the replies lessened. She was assuming as an advanced AI, it could only reply once the other party pauses for it. It was one of the few good things she discovered about the system. It doesn't know how to interrupt others who are still speaking. Maybe it was a set pattern or a law of sort that its kind follows. Who knows? Anyway, Sofony was already glad she could temporarily shut it up in this way.

About its reminder of the other pages in the interface, actually, she temporarily forgot about it and now that she remembered, Sofony's face reddened in shame. She realized it made sense and so she began checking the other tabs after the short session of venting.

'Ah, it seems I can only withdraw everything from my inventory to express my sincerity.'

When Gio finally came home, Sofony presented him the few weird devices which he later found interesting. Their talk proceeded from how the items like memory eraser work to how she got them. As she did her best to explain the items, Gio's mind was on something else. He was silently piecing out the puzzles regarding Floyd's unusual change in facial features and sudden revival from the abandoned warehouse. Now he's getting that it was due to these devices. Likely, Steffy's mysteriousness in his and his people's eyes was also because of these.

"I usually get these from the shop, but I'm forbidden to access it for five more days. But once this prohibition is lifted, I'll be able to procure things again. Also, I can purchase sensitive and highly classified information from it. Actually, not only this kind of intelligence but even general and worthless intelligence. So... if you have anything you want to find out, as long as it's not related to people like me, it won't be of any challenge."

Sofony subconsciously ignored the snide remarks of the system in her mind, her eyes nervously busy meeting the eyes of the man sitting across her in the living room.

"Actually, I know half of these things may look unimpressive to you because some already have counterparts in modern technology. Still, most are really game-changing when used at the right circumstances."


"Yes, for example, if one of your subordinate needs to be an undercover. If it's in short notice or a situation where there's a limited number of tools at hand, he certainly won't be able to magic a good disguise. But this one here could give the person a realistic change in appearance within seconds. Also, if you or your men somehow ended up in a semi-cornered situation, I can maybe help by providing information on places or roads you can use to sneak your way into safety."

For a long while, he was silent. She saw him alternatingly glancing at her and the devices scattered messily on the transparent round table. From time to time, he would pick up one item and inspect it, then he would glance at Sofony before moving on to the next thing. A few seconds later, he finally commented,

"I can now confidently say that it's you who helped the police and my people to locate that Cruz boy." He paused for a few seconds before adding, "Right now, I'm also guessing that you don't want me to ask what you mean by 'people like you'."

Sofony was quite surprised as she was expecting a different subject. She didn't know how he managed to arrive at these conclusions. Nonetheless, she answered, "...Yes, sorry." The yes was a confirmation to his first statement, the sorry for the second.

The man who was still in his business attire acted like he didn't mind her answer one bit. "It doesn't matter then. It seems like it's already great that you confided your abilities and items to me. It's still unbelievable but once I relate everything to what you and that Cruz' kid can do, it all started to make sense."

She looked down and replied, "...The reason I can see again after that senseless operation is this. I even managed to heal myself from the sequela. Now I can act like nothing ever went wrong with my eyes. In the future, you can safely assume that even if I lose an arm or leg, I would still also be able to magically heal myself again. From a certain perspective, I can be called a freak..."

Gio stared at her for a while before chuckling, "You'll start badmouthing yourself again. Stop that. It's not me who should regret here. It's you. You can hypnotize. If ever you want, you can maybe cheat your way into stardom or richness. You have that ability to gather information effectively so I'm certain you already knew what kind of person I am. It's me who should be asking you, why are you still with me?"

Sofony was dumbfounded for a long while before she began to ponder the question.

She realized that his point makes sense. If she was only worried about money, security, and survivability, then right now she was actually confident enough that she could fend herself off. If she was after a luxurious life, it would also be doable. She could search for a rich, childless couple and hypnotize them into believing that she was their long lost daughter. After that, she could live an easy life.

There were also her other life-skills. If the first option couldn't be done, then it's also okay to become a celebrity. The several chance encounters she had with some talent scouts from different entertainment companies gave her the confidence that she could do well in that regard.

Now that she thought about it, she started staying with Gio to repay her debts, at the same time, to have someone to depend on.

Not long after, the degree of dependence grew to the point that when she was given a chance to go away, she still hesitated. In the end, she even decided to offer herself to him again.

'So is dependence the real reason I'm staying with him again?'

When the maturer man saw the girl getting stunned by his inquiry, he amusedly shook his head and stood up.

"It's already past seven. Go change into a decent dress. I'll bring you somewhere."

Only after Sofony heard this that her wandering soul and mind went back to her body. She also got up from her seat and went after Gio.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll know when we get there. Don't worry, the time we'll spend there would be much lesser than the time you'll take to doll yourself up."


While wearing a body-hugging beige dress paired up with a black diamond chain necklace that made her look more sensual and mature than usual, in her five inches black and white stilettos, Sofony walked out of the huge mansion standing majestically at the western side of Central Alina.

She looked to be in a stupor. If it weren't for her newly gained Modelling skill, she would have tumbled on the floor by now due to her high heels. However, Gio who was currently linking arms with her felt the slight unsteadiness in her steps.

He concernedly whispered to her ears, "Not used to the high heels?"

The question knocked her back to her senses and subconsciously made her turn her head to the person walking beside her. She had to crane her neck up slightly because the man was really tall. Then when she met his gaze, her mind became shaken again and so she ended up blankly staring at him.

"Thinking of what just happened?"

As she watched one corner of his lips turn upwards, she subconsciously nodded and blurted out, "I can't believe that you have already arranged things up to this point."

What she was referring to was how he had found her a giant family which promised to register her as their daughter. She remembered that just an hour ago, she was randomly thinking to herself the possibility of hypnotizing or implanting false pictures to the memories of a childless but rich couple. Yet without her knowing, this guy had long started to act upon it.

She didn't know how he did it, but starting tonight, it was already set in stone that she would no longer be just Sofony Mendez. She was going to be the daughter of an upper-class family.

The middle-aged couple they just met knew she was not their biological daughter, but to repay the previous favor Gio did for them, they gladly accepted his request to claim her as theirs. It seemed that they're a good pair because, throughout the luxurious meal, they looked at her kindly and caringly as if she's been their daughter for so many years.

"The Silver couple won't be changing your surname." He nonchalantly remarked after they got into the car. "They also won't pester you to move into their house. They're already content to have you visit them occasionally. And oh... On Sunday, they're gonna host a party to officially show you to the world."

Sofony blinked at Gio as he started to drive the car back home. It would take them about thirty minutes to get back to the Golden Residences, the heavy evening traffic already factored in. Outside, several tall condominiums, shops, malls, traffic lights, and lampposts were beautifying the night with various arrangement of lights and decorations. But actually, her focus was not among these. For some reason, her eyes preferred to savor this man's every movement and expression than gawk at the beautiful night view outside.

Only when a few seconds passed did she manage to turn her head away. After calming her restless heart and taking a deep breath, she opened her mouth to ask something that she somehow wanted to clarify, "Are they really planning to adopt me?"

It had already been a little more than five minutes since their car joined the long line of vehicles in the busy main road. By this time, the car was already stuck in the traffic. Gio, who was lazily folding his arms on the steering wheel, answered, "No, there won't be any adoption because you'll be their long lost biological daughter."


It was already past one am.

It had already an hour since Gio fell asleep after releasing thrice inside her. The blush-inducing smell was still lingering in the room, constantly reminding her of the great time they just had shared. However, she was not awake due to being disturbed by this.

Sofony's brain was preoccupied. Numerous emotions were taking over her heart as she read every detail about him recorded on the sole page under List of Partners tab.

As usual, the system couldn't wait to laugh at some lines that it found amusing. One example was his act of bedding some models and socialites when they were still in the first week of their cohabitation. Of course, she knew the part where he always killed them after the deed. She reckoned it must be a habit he cultivated when he was still working in the special forces. Right now though, this habit was serving as laugh material for the devil in her head.

Yet, even though they're already at the part where he began distancing himself to his other bedmates lately, it still couldn't stop laughing.

It even said,

It took her a great deal of effort before she managed to suppress the rage rising within her. Afterward, she resumed reading again until she reached the texts describing what he's done for her ever since they had their first real talk at the mall's parking lot.

Once done, she asked the system to close the interface. She then opened her eyes and for a fairly long time, stared at the sleeping face of the person sharing the bed with her.

Sofony dazedly thought to herself, 'He's never been really cold to me. Instead, he's been silently protecting and giving me so many things. This is making me really hard to relate him to the demon the people and system are talking about. And even though I saw it personally with my two eyes, right now before me, he's just a slightly mature, handsome Gio, a man who's done so much for me.'

Naturally, this monologue garnered so many ramblings from the system, but she was too just lost in her train of thoughts to pay it any more attention. There was one particular realization that somehow alarmed the heck out of her though. Especially after understanding how Gio was most probably forging a high name for her so that if he ever revealed her to the world as his girl, their social statuses wouldn't be an obstacle.

Now, Sofony was somehow being alarmed by the greed taking over her heart.

Because it was actually wishing for this person to become solely hers forever.