Meeting People (3)

As preparation for this whole week, the mini-hotel behind the school's auditorium, which was usually used by senior high students of the Hotel Management strand, had been meticulously cleaned and decorated to serve as resting place for important personalities. Invited celebrities and some visiting politicians mostly stayed there. However, for this night, pageant judges had been allowed inside.

The pageant had successfully ended. What would take place after the crowning ceremony would be the various performances of different artists? There was a transition in between though, as there were many props that had to prepare for the upcoming shows. Because of this, the emcee announced a break, encouraging the remaining audience to grab something to eat while waiting.

Clarissa used her privilege as a judge to access the mini-hotel. She went to the powder room to retouch.

A few ladies there couldn't resist looking at the girl due to her striking appearance. There was even one fairly popular female singer who asked her which entertainment agency she belonged to. Of course, her question only made Clarissa laugh.

A few minutes later, everyone else walked out due to being called out by the program manager. For quite a while, she was the only one inside the room.

Another minute passed. When she was busy applying gloss on her lips in front of the mirror, a familiar feminine voice resounded from the direction of the door. Clarissa's eyeballs moved to the side to peek on the black-dressed wavy-haired girl marching towards her with both gracefulness and momentum.

"Miss Clarissa."

Clarissa's lips curled up. She was not the least bit moved or intimidated by the newly arrived girl.

"Hello there, Wendy. Looking as imposing and pretty as ever."

The one greeted didn't return the smile and only squinted her eyes at Clarissa. "Just yesterday, my source told me there's a fight that broke out in the suburbs. I wonder if your friends are involved there?"

Clarissa acted as if she didn't hear the sharpness from the other girl's voice. She also pretended that she did not see Wendy sneakily looking around, with one hand rummaging inside the handbag. Something flashed in her eyes though. Coldness. To what ran in her mind, only she and a certain foreign entity knew.

A 'ding' rang somewhere in her head which let the smile in her lips returned. She then remembered being asked a question so she immediately turned to the cold-faced girl.

With a playful smile put on, she replied, "You asked if they're involved? Yeah! It's at 234th street, in front of an old white bungalow. Sadly, my girls couldn't wait for the police so they kindly left things to be cleaned after. Aren't they very considerate? It's me who taught them that."

Wendy seemed to be annoyed by her response which showed in her face. However, the girl knew that she couldn't pursue the matter anymore so she wisely chose to state the real reason for going after Clarissa.

"What do you want to tell Sofony about that girl?"

"You lip-read me, huh?" Still facing the mirror, Clarrisa inspected her cheeks, concerned about the evenness of her blush on. She then slowly enunciated, "I really want to know why you're so protective of your best friend. I bet the reason why you're suddenly confronting me is that you're afraid she's gonna be grilled to death by me once she faces me tomorrow."

Wendy frowned at the 'you're-a-fool' kind of look she received from Clarissa.

With obvious irritation in her tone, she said, "Senior, I'm really starting to doubt your IQ. Your answer is so unrelated to my question."

"Oh," a chuckle followed. "Then if I tell you the truth, would you dare believe it?"

"Why not?"

At the girl's challenging tone, Clarissa laughed. She finally turned to meet Wendy's irritatingly clear eyes before continuing, "If I tell you that your best friend killed that girl in the sexy videos, would you believe me?"

Wendy was not even allowed to recover and retort when the one standing opposite her nonchalantly added.

"She has been deceiving everyone. She's even the one who shared those videos to everyone. Also, Sofony Mendez is a whore, like me. If you want, I can even give you the name of the man keeping her. Gio Albarez. Are you familiar with the name? And oops, sorry. I strayed away from your question again. Actually, all I want to tell Sofony is that I'm like her."

For quite a long time, the wavy-haired girl in black had been so dumbfounded that she forgot to close her slightly parted lips. She only recovered due to Clarissa's amused snickering which successfully pulled her out of her trance. She blinked thrice before realizing something. Her eyes then flashed with conviction when she replied.

"Gio Albarez is a known business personality, an aloof magnate whose face is rarely seen by common folks. You're speaking nonsense. There's just no way a commoner girl like Sofony can meet someone like him. Stop insulting my brain, okay? I'm one hundred percent sure not even that sassy rich brat, Lois Gabriel, can request a meeting from him!"


"And Sofony's someone who won't sell pleasure to anybody!"

Annoyed by the unceasing laughter from the other, she ultimately shouted, "She's also not a killer! I know just how Felicity died!"

The cool Wendy built up after recovering from the shock was starting to crumble again because she noticed the belittling glint that appeared in Clarissa's eyes. She could perfectly tell that those pair of eyes were blatantly mocking her. This completely provoked her anger as she was someone who couldn't tolerate anyone insulting her IQ.

Unfortunately, Wendy didn't know that Clarissa has every right to stare at her like that.

However, it was also not Wendy's fault that she was having difficulty believing the Violent Goddess' words. She was someone used to basing practically everything on science and logic. To see is to believe. As Wendy was not someone 'blessed' with an encounter with the system, she would never be able to deduce by herself how it made her precious friend as one of its many hosts... and how all the justifications she threw to the other girl were just her wishful thinking.

"You know what?" Clarissa once again gave her junior a teasing smile. "I'm sure you're thinking that Felicity is killed by her mother," she temporarily paused to properly watch the surprise that crossed Wendy's eyes. "I'm also guessing the reason you came up with... is that she has been driven man by the fact that her husband and daughter are making babies behind her back!"

Once again, Sofony's best friend looked dumbfoundedly at the giggling girl. She began shaking her head after. As she couldn't believe that someone else managed to know what she had investigated, her mouth subconsciously opened to ask, "How... did you know?"

The playful glint in Clarissa's eyes did not lessen even though she could hear a set of urgent footsteps nearing the place. She did turn her eyes to the direction of the door though, eager to see the person she was really targeting to emerge there.

Clarissa played with the ends of her hair using her finger, her voice she used to reply was still unhurried. "Miss Gomez, I know just everything in this world. Believe me. I can even say with absolute certainty that once your best friend arrives, she'll force you," she paused to let out a few snickers, "to forget all that we have talked about here."

Exactly after saying that, the subject of their talk suddenly appeared on the doorway and shouted, "Wendy!"

What registered on the black-dressed beauty's eyes when she turned her head back was the panicked face of her beautiful best friend. A second later, Wendy was surprised by the fierce expression Sofony directed to Clarissa.

"What did you do?"

It was the same voice she was used to hearing every day, yet this time, even though it was not meant for her, Wendy couldn't deny the sudden unfamiliarity she felt when she heard it. Because of this, she couldn't help but ask, "Sofony?"

The person she called out immediately put away the dark expression she was having on her face. When Sofony faced her, she was suddenly back to the usual girl she knew, the difference only was the troubled face she was wearing. However, Wendy's instinct was warning her that something was still wrong about the situation. This thought was fortified when she met Sofony's unusually dark eyes.

"Wendy, Clea is searching for you. She wants your feedback before she goes up to perform her piece. You have to go now because her performance is up next. Remember, you already promised to cheer for her, you can't go back on your words. Go now. You will see her in the rehearsal room at the backstage. Once you're there, you'll realize you've never been anywhere else and that you never talked with anyone aside from me and Clea."

Clarissa burst into laughter at the sight of a normally domineering girl being led around by the same person she desperately defended against malicious people. While clutching her now aching stomach, she continued laughing at the girl making a way out of the powder room. She was also laughing at her target who unhesitatingly hypnotized this poor girl. While at it, she couldn't help but wonder, what would have happened if she didn't disable all the devices in the room?

Clarissa suddenly felt remorseful for hastily ordering the system.

Fortunately, she still gained something out of it. At least, she had a good laughingstock.

'This Sofony is really a bitch like me. How fun!'

At this thought, Clarissa began laughing again. Until someone could no longer stand her and suddenly charged at her.

With eyes reddening from anger, Sofony raised her hand and swung it down with all her strength. Her intention was very clear. She wanted to slap Clarissa!

However, she forgot that Clarissa was not Vienna and that there were no guys helping her to tie the enemy down. Her hand was easily caught by the Violent Goddess. The woman's grip was even very tight, to the point that if the girl confronting her now was not Sofony, then her wrist would have been broken by now!

Thanks to this though, Sofony finally awakened and realized the situation she was in. She glared at the other person then forcefully freed herself from the iron grip.

"You're an immoral host," in a matter-of-fact tone, Sofony told the other. She was sure of her claim as she didn't believe that there would be any normal girl who could easily contend with her strength.

A sneer escaped the sexily dressed girl, "Obviously you already heard this from your bugging device."

Sofony had to close her eyes and breathed deeply to calm her tense nerves. It was proving difficult though, as the truth that she encountered another host had shaken her too greatly. She couldn't even believe that two out three were people of her academy. Unfortunately, with all the things she had eavesdropped earlier, she had no choice but believe.

Actually, she was also scared.

Because this woman in front of her clearly knew almost everything about her!

Or at least, this woman knew all the lies and bad things she did to Felicity since the supposed-to-be dead girl's name was used to bait her in.

She opened her eyes and resumed the glaring. This was what she could only do as she knew that in front of people like Clarissa, she couldn't appear weak or humble. "Why do you want to meet me? Is it because of what I did to your lackey?"

The girl, who most people couldn't help but think as the most enchanting woman, once again scoffed, "Not gonna defend yourself on why you attach a listening tool to me? Wow, as expected of a wench like me, you sure can make it appear as if it's me who should explain something here."

Sofony's eyes darkened, alarmed by what Clarissa said. In her mind, the damnable thing kept on warning her that she should withdraw and not continue with this confrontation because she was currently too vulnerable. It emphasized her inability to purchase readily useful stuff from the store and her relinquishing of many valuable items to Gio.

In reality, she also knew that she was in a disadvantageous situation. Weren't it for the lack of malicious intent in the other woman's eyes, she would have already run away from there. She was betting on this when she didn't retreat even after failing the first assault, aka the slap. Also, she was still angry at what this girl did and said to Wendy.

This was why despite the equally sharp stares she's getting from Clarissa, she didn't step back and instead narrowed her eyes more, "If your target is only me, why did you have to mouth those words to me when there are other eyes watching? It's intentional, no? What is it? Just tell me what you want so that we can stop this farce!"

"Oh? You're the one getting angry here? It's me who was almost slapped so I thought it should be me? Or are you agitated by my act of dismantling your carefully donned mask in front of your best friend?"

Clarissa folded her arms under her chests and condescendingly stared at Sofony Mendez. A second later, a black bean-size thing materialized in front which Clarissa swiftly grabbed and threw at the silver dressed girl. Sofony's enhanced physique allowed her to catch the bugging device, even so, she slightly winced due to the sharp pain in her palm.

She alarmedly asked the system, 'How high is her strength stat?'

She received an annoying reply though. It was the system's refusal to calculate due to the ban.

Sofony temporarily ignored the pain and met Clarissa's eyes. She was still standing at the same spot while the other was walking towards her. No, the other was seemingly wanting to leave as Clarissa had passed her by.

Not without saying to her though, "I just recently knew of your existence. And I actually don't mind letting you stay here even if you have almost slapped my underling to death. However, when I discovered that you planted spyware on me, and saw how bitchy your attitude behind your gentle mask is, I just suddenly realized I can't like you, and that I don't want you to stay in this city."

With wide eyes, she exclaimed, "You!"

Clarissa paused walking and searched for Sofony's eyes. "That's all that I want to tell you. I would have preferred to talk this out with you in a more secure place and more comfortable time. That's why I said to meet me tomorrow. But nevermind. If you're not content with this, feel free to duke it out with me. After all, I'm curious who would emerge victoriously. Me, who's backed by the mafia and the vice-mayor, or you who is backed solely by Gio Albarez?"

After leaving saying that, the woman continued walking out, leaving a silently shaking Sofony Mendez. The girl was in no way relieved that there had been no real physical fight between her and co-host. It was a fight of words that she ended up getting badly beaten at. She didn't have the initiative, and even though there are several ways she could have bluffed her way to dominating the conversation, when Sofony learned that Clarissa knew so much about her, with her being kept by Gio not even a secret to the other party, her mind just couldn't think straight. That persisted until the other completely disappeared from her sight.

Thankfully, a few seconds after Clarissa walked out, she managed to regain focus and realized what the other girl wanted.

Clarissa wanted her to leave this city?

She was declaring sovereignty over this territory as an immoral host?

Who gave her the right?

In both anger and dismay, she went after the other, even going as far as to run in the corridor. Thankfully the place seemed to be deserted due to the concert that finally started.

When she finally caught up and actually blocked the Violent Goddess, Sofony declared in a serious tone, "I won't leave this city!"

Sofony tried her best not to flinch even though Clarissa's eyes visibly grew icy. She then added, "If you are thinking that just because you brought up the name of the mafia and a high-ranking politician, you'll be able to frighten me, then you're wrong, Miss Guzman. This is between you and me. Let's not complicate the matter anymore. If you and your people will not interfere with me and my people, then I assure you, we will also do the same. Treat this as a truce between us."

Clarissa's hand went over to her beautifully cut hair-bangs. Then, in the middle a suppressed cold laughter, she replied, "You want a truce? A peaceful correlation, you mean? Eh?" Sofony felt the girl's aura turning sharper and colder. "Why do you think am I called Violent Goddess? Do you think I'll just lie low after everything you've done to me? Are you stupid to not realize that it's already a great compromise on my part to only ask you to leave this city?"

Sofony immediately justified herself. "Your underling provoked me. Out of caution and thinking that you're her leader that I attached that bug to you. In short, it's your faction's fault."


"I won't even plan to start any feud with you until you said those things to Wendy!"


Sofony's voice became much lower in tone, almost fierce as she was already gritting her teeth in irritation again. "I'm serious about the non-aggression pact."

"And so? End?"

When she saw how indifferent and unreasonable the other girl was, Sofony realized Clarissa was playing on her and actually had no intention to speak peacefully with her anymore. She almost laughed at herself for having hopes that she could talk things out with this girl. How naive she was. When it would be easy to find a reasonable immoral host?

She shook her head in dismay. Her heart grew heavy at the thought of having to confront another immoral host after Floyd. But left without a choice, she could only take a deep breath and bravely state.

"Fine. You're a bitch."

Other meaning, fine, I'll just fight you.

Afterward, she gave Clarissa one last glare before walking away.