Explanations and Repercussions (2)

"...I might faint..." she unconsciously mumbled when saw the rewards, especially the number of points rewarded to her.

"Hmm?" Mrs. Silver who was standing next to her near the entrance of the hall turned her head to her adoptive daughter. "What's wrong, my dear?"

She just had helped the Silver couple sent off another batch of guests. Gio was in another room upstairs discussing something with Harry while she was accompanying the kind madam to send off the guests.

When she heard Cindy's question, she could only blink and shake her head. Despite growing some attachment and good impression with this kind rich wife, she still was not someone Sofony could fess up with.

Sofony scolded herself for running her mouth carelessly. But because Cindy was giving her odd looks, she conditioned herself and made her expression back to normal again. "Don't worry, Mom. I'm fine. But maybe I'm just feeling a bit tired."