A Close Call (4)

Back to the Faculty Room, 'Wendy' had been dumbfounded for a minute or so. The other Wendy and a boy who seemed to be Chris already ran away.

Less than thirty seconds later, the police arrived and she was forced out of her dazed state.

Afraid that this group of cops would go after them, she stalled them by bossily making them deal with Teacher Matthew's body. Fortunately, the fat middle-aged teacher was still alive. Acting as the bossy 'Wendy', she made the police personally apply first aid kit to the teacher and send him to the ambulance. She also raised some fuss, thus successfully delaying some of the people who wanted to also chase after the real Wendy and Chris.

A few minutes after this, she learned from her source that they managed to get away. She somehow breathed a sigh of relief, thanking the heavens that those few cops she didn't manage to delay luckily didn't catch them.