An Annoying Fly (2)

Three hours quickly passed after the incident. Sofony had already wasted so many practice ammo. But the stares she received from the others made her conscious, thus halfway her afternoon practice, she snuck out and went back wearing a black dress, a bottle of iced coffee and biscuits were in her hand.

Along the way, when she was still outside, she began asking the ever-so-sarcastic system about some things that could probably help in her current mission.

And while passing by a newsstand displayed outside of a bookstore, she learned about the sudden removal of every news and materials related to Clarissa on the internet and other media. Reckoning this was probably what occupied her enemy for the last two days, her heart became heavier and many gloomy sighs escaped from her lips.

Actually, the news did not shock her so long since she knew this kind of things was just normal for any host. It was just she still felt extremely annoyed and pressured.