Choices (1)

Thirty minutes after the explosion, the girl alerted by the system arrived at the apartment and saw the disaster it had become. The place was like a scorching pit of hell. Or at least, the fire, heat, and screams made the scene appear like one!

It was very chaotic and noisy, and people panicking, shouting, and crying could be seen everywhere. When she turned her head to the right, she even saw a beefy man with burnt hair and hideous-looking upper arm crying for help while escorting a coughing old woman out of the fire.

"Hey, folks! More manpower needed here!"

"Aaaaaaahhh! My house! My appliances! Everything I saved up for decades! Why are they all burning!!!"

"Damn! My unit is already turned into ashes!" said one of the men hammering the cement floor with their fists.

"Someone's trap on the third floor!"

"Help! I'm begging you, please help me! M-my mother's still inside!"

"O-officers! Please!!! M-y youngest child is t-trapped there too!