What She Is (6)

"Watch." The girl approached the now empty table. She then turned to Lauren, a hand extended out. "Give me anything sharp."

"Huh?" asked the confused woman, a brow raised.

"Hand me any of the knives from the table on your left side."

The unkempt woman reluctantly complied with the girl's weird request. The next thing that happened after was blood suddenly splashing in the air, later dyeing some part of the operating table and the floor underneath it with the color red. The two's noses also got assaulted by the heavy metallic and weird smell.

"Aaahhh!" A cry resounded not long after, fully expressing the sudden pain that the person felt.

Lauren's eyes and mouth opened wide again, but Sofony did not see it and even if she could, she would not pay the scientist's response much attention.