At Jasper City (2)

"Second Miss?" A female dressed in a white sleeveless blouse and black slacks came to the woman's side and asked, concern and worry mixed in her inquisitive tone.

The young woman staring at the direction Chris went to did not immediately reply to her, prolonging the mental agony of the other. The assistant was quite fidgety because it was not an everyday chance to see this rich Missy getting dumbfounded like this. Yet every time the young miss does, there would be tons of jobs or heartache waiting for her, the assistant.

The slightly dreaded came true.

When the young woman in yellow dress recovered from her daze, she furrowed her brows for so long before turning to the person who rushed to her side, "Miss Aura."

The beautiful actress wannabe blinked her large hazel eyes and said in a soft voice,