Devil's Hour (1)

Friday. 3:04 am. In a village south of Alina City. Specifically within a small hut built under the shades of three tall acacia trees.

The singing of cicadas from the outside temporarily stopped as faint sounds of footsteps coming from a single person graced the night. Through the thick grey clouds, the waning moon had hidden itself from the world thus no amount of moonlight peeked through the slightly open window of the only room of the hut.

It was the devil's hour.

In folklore, this time frame was also called the witching hour.

There had been numerous ghost talks and stories rumored to always happen within this span of time, in between 3:00 am to 3:59 am. It was the time of the night associated with supernatural events. In stories, this would be when witches, demons, and ghosts were thought to appear and to be at their most powerful.