Tragedy Of A Half-Host (2)

"Distant water cannot quench a fire nearby." The wise words from some ancient dude of the oldest and biggest empire in the east.

This saying was pretty spot on in Chris' current situation because even though Sofony Mendez, for Wendy, mentally promised that she would help this poor guy once if ever he got into a troublesome and deadly situation, the problem was their current distance.

Sofony, who received the notification the moment he got nailed on the tall fencing of the basketball court was still within Alina City. Even though she did rush at full speed towards this place by borrowing a car from Gio, it would still take three hours away to get to his current city. Regrettably, even if his assailant was willing to wait for his helper to arrive, FOR FUN, his body which his remaining points would not be able to heal was already failing due to severe blood loss...