
Every life has equivalent karma.

So it just makes sense that every death has too.

In fact, sometimes, the latter was in a sense, worse than the former, as it never fails to repay all debts and keeps no calendar when claiming its dues. 'You reap what you sow.' There's a natural law of karma that vindictive people, who go out of their way to hurt others, will end up broke and alone.

Sofony was not and would never be included in the list of exceptions.

'I was not even properly warned... No, I don't even want to imagine this possibility... Why? Why can't it just lash back directly at me?'

Sofony had long known that she would receive retribution soon for taking so many lives these past two months. Felicity's father, those prisoners, the city mayor, Clarissa's mafia men... It seemed their souls were already haunting her down so fiercely that their accumulated resentment had reached the point of claiming the lives of her loved ones.