Nightfall (2)

Unknown whether he was being punished by the unfair heavens or what, it seemed this week he really wouldn't be getting enough of the sleep that he'd been badly yearning for.

Two and a half hours later, his phone rang. Of course, he was dead tired and very fast asleep to notice it. Hence, the one which took it as its mission to alert him about the notification was his system AI. For this reason, it had even gone as far as to play some heavy metal tunes inside his brain for ten minutes straight!

In its own words, it was merely trying to prove its awesomeness and usefulness to its own host. And that explained why its playing of the maddening music was so passionate, intense, and at its maximum volume.

How did Chris react to it? Of course, he badly wished to beat up and chase the damn AI out of his mind!

Unfortunately, the poor man didn't know if that was even achievable, so he could only curse out and get up from the mattress, furiously reaching out to the bedside table.