Like You Till Death (2)

Instead of the sofa where she had to curl her body just to fit in and not fall off, Alessa found herself in a comfortable bed. She was even properly tucked in under the thick blanket.

After looking around in a daze, Alessa confirmed that she was still in the same room.

But how did she end up in the mattress?

A second later, she realized the bigger problem when she tossed to the sides but found it empty.

'Where is he?'

Her pupils dilated. Her shock prompted her to get up and off the bed.

To her surprise, her cream-colored wedge high heels were neatly placed at the side to where her feet could easily reach them.

Did Aura arrange this?

The actress shook off the thoughts from her head.

She should worry more for that stubborn man who should be obediently lying in bed recovering yet was nowhere in sight now.

"Aura, did you see where Chris is?"