Reunion (3)

"I'm now strong..."

Gio's answer to this was a light kiss on her forehead.

"I also rebuilt Ever Victorious and made it as good as before, if not better."

His lips dropped another kiss on her hair. The enigmatic non-host laughingly said, "Even if that corporation remains as heaps of ashes, I don't care. More than that, what truly matters are things that cannot be restored once completely lost."

She hummed and nodded. But still said as if she was reporting her progress to him, "I'm so much better than that Amelia!"

"Who cares about that woman?"

Sofony buried her face in his chest, trembling, "I, I've been looking for you every single day..."

She inhaled, then continued,

"I've been so lonely... I thought I've lost everything..."

"Where have you been? No... How have you been?"

"I have died every day waiting and searching for you... fearing if you're still alive or not..."