Goodbye Aetius

I sat on the ground where he threw me and thought about this. I'm a calm headed person. I need to calm down and think about my next move. I repeated to myself. If he's a fist on warrior then I need to be to. Use my hands. I'm not just good with a weapon. I captured myself in the balance and regained my thoughts finally. I stood up and while I did this I concealed the fact that I had grabbed some sand. I knew I was bleeding on my back and probably on my chest. The beating pain was rhythmic creating a pulse to every move I made.

I walked up to him and showed a pitiful facial emotion. He seemed to be slightly affected to where I knew that if I pushed further that he would hesitate. That would be my moment. I started fake crying and saying I would not be forgiven by the gods. It worked. He looked frazzled by my actions and confused on what to do next. I put my hands on my face acting like I was drying my tears. In reality I was getting ready to throw the sand in his face and make my next move. It also helped to hide the smile that had creeped upon my face.

I threw the sand into his eyes. He threw up his hands and started yelling and shaking while rubbing his eyes. I jumped onto his back and wrapped my legs around his neck. I tried to wrap them as hard as I could. He started running in circles, still trying to get the sand out of his eyes. I knew I was starting to suck the life out of him as he suffocated. He started gasping and grasping for air. I put my hands around his neck now for more support. He finally managed to get me off of him, but it didn't matter anymore.

I kicked him in the groin from the ground and watched him fall to the ground. I jumped on him and put his hands under my knees to keep him from hitting me off. I put my fingers on the nub of his nose and pushed up. At first I heard a crack and him screaming then a squishing sound like no other. I pushed hard until his nose was just useless skin because now all of the bones were shoved up his brain. His eyes rolled back into his head and blood settled at the back of his throat, swaying side to side.