4: Memories, be gone!

Li Chang felt like she had accomplished something, she was enjoying what was happening at the moment, as she was admiring what was going on the cities power went out and since it was dark, no one was able to see into the bedroom anymore.

Raun Li was watching the news on her phone while her husband was fixing what was going on. "at the moment there is a power outage in the city, and with this power outage people are starting to get massive head aches" The news reporter said, then she started whining in pain "i-it seems i-i have also g-gotten a head ache" The reporter said. after a few minutes of the reporter talking she suddenly got a blank and confused expression "What's going on, why are we here in front of the CEO of Hie Rui entertainment house, where did thus power outage, why is there a group of people here?" The reporter started to say confused and worried. and soon after the camera man started showing everyone else that was in a group, none of them remembered why they were there.

Ki Ting walked into the bedroom with his wife and closed the curtains. "that should take care of the problem" Ki Ting said. "what'd you do?" Raun Li asked. "same thing I did to Mo Rui, erased everyone's minds except for the people in this house" Ki Ting explained. Raun Li made a "O" shape with her mouth.

Li Chang at the moment was very confused about where she was and what was going on, but she just brushed it off and went home.

Mo Rui was trying to figure out a way to tell Li Chang that Raun Li got more views than her on the covers they made. As Mo Rui was lost in thought, he hadn't noticed Li Chang arrived home. "RUI!!" Li Chang yelled. Mo Rui emiditly looked up and saw Li Chang. "yes?" Mo Rui said with a shakey voice because Li Chang doesn't really yell very often. "what were you thinking about?" Li Chang asks. "you should check the views on Raun Li's cover" Mo Rui said.