No Manners

Li Wei came barging in her office and displayed his discontented mood by furrowing his brows and trying to shoot daggers with his eyes, aiming at Zhi Ruo.

" You do not welcome me?! " Li Wei said, his tone cold and a bit angry.

Zhi Ruo rolled her eyes in her mind and casually leaned back on her leather chair, looking straight in his eyes while taking the time to pronounce each word carefully.

" I. do. not. welcome. you. Leave. " Zhi Ruo was not in a mood to talk with the little ice cube.

It was already hard to blend in her new life but she had to handle his childish temper? NEVER!

" Humph! It seems that the President of Z Empire doesn't even have manners. Your standards must be pretty low. " Li Wei rebutted, still shocked by her answer.

" Manners? You are going to talk to me about manners? " Zhi Ruo snorted as she rose from her chair.

Fortunately, her personality was similar to the old Zhi Ruo or she would be in great troubled to be acting so arrogant.

" One, you did not even make an appointment to come to see me but you expect me to drop everything just to welcome you? I don't care who you are but when you are in my company, I have the last word and if I don't want to welcome you, I don't. " Zhi Ruo sneered and walked in front of him.

" Two, you listened to my private conversation with my assistant and think I am rude when clearly you are the one who barges in a situation that we do not welcome you in. " Zhi Ruo arrived in front of little ice cube and even though she was fairly shorter than him despite her heels, Li Wei felt a weird reflex to take a step back as her presence was too big.

" Third, I say what I say and mean what I say so if you are not deaf, then obey and show yourself the way out. " Zhi Ruo finished with a smirk before going to sit back down and continuing her work.

' What did this woman say?!? SHE DARE KICK ME OUT?! ' Li Wei was fuming of anger but tried to keep an indifferent face.

" Are you sure you want to offend me? " Li Wei finally spoke up after trying to calm himself down.

' Oh, shmer...I forgot my mom wanted me to get along with him...' Zhi Ruo suddenly had a lightbulb illuminated in her brain.

" Why am I so stupid and impulsive?! " Zhi Ruo blamed herself in her mind.

Zhi Ruo: "..." I can still fix this right?

Zhi Ruo resolutely chose to try and fix this even though she had already ruined but...who cares?

" Of course not! " Zhi Ruo gave a fake smile.

" Please sit. I am sorry to have made you wait. Let's talk peacefully. I have five minutes for you. " Zhi Ruo did a 180° change and invited Li Wei to sit down with her.

' What the hell?! Does she have a bipolar disorder?! ' Li Wei was so confused.

" What do you mean by these actions? " Li Wei asked, suspicious of this big change within seconds.

" Nothing, I just realized that it was extremely rude for me to not welcome you when the mighty president Li Wei took time off to come to see me. I must have been crazy for a second to not welcome you. " Zhi Ruo said with a small smile, not one bit ashamed of her current words that contradicted her words earlier.

" You think you can get away with this so easily? " Li Wei scrunched his eyebrows.

Zhi Ruo calmly sat down at her desk.

" One million dollars for every 5 minutes you have my attention during a time I don't want to be bothered. Better hurry, 45 seconds already passed. " Zhi Ruo rested her chin on her connecting hands, her elbows touching the table.

" You-! " Li Wei was completely at loss for words.

No one had ever made him pay to meet with people! People paid to see him not the other way!

" I never heard of such a rule in your company. " Li Wei was now enraged but kept his temper on the low.

" You can go check when you go back it has been installed since yesterday. " Zhi Ruo explained.

" But as I respect you, I didn't charge you for the minutes wasted yesterday or you would be in big debt. " Zhi Ruo said with a light tone.

" So now hurry and tell me. " Zhi Ruo finished.

At this point, Li Wei was fuming of rage and slapped her table hard.

Unluckily for him, it was marble basically did nothing...

Oh no, it did do something, he hurt his own hand...

" I will remember today and won't let you off easily. If I discover you are lying to me about your new rule, you will have no escape. " Li Wei icily said, his whole person exuding of a bone-chilling aura.

Li Wei slammed the door on his way out and immediately walked out of the building.

" Humph! No manners. " Zhi Ruo harrumphed and laughed in her mind.

However, as soon as he walked out that door, she quickly opened her computer and was furiously typing.

She hacked into her company's rule document that was strongly protected and fastly added her new rule.

Zhi Ruo anxiously calculated the time it will take Li Wei to go down the building into his car and to check the document.

" OMG! What if he made a phone call in the elevator to tell someone to check?! " Zhi Ruo suddenly thought of this possibility and cursed herself in her head for being so daringly stupid.

Her fingers started to type even faster, the codes flowing into the computer.

Her fingers started to have after images as she covered all her tracks and made sure that the policy was indicated to be applied yesterday.

Zhi Ruo knew this was too coincidental and in her favour: it would raise Li Wei' suspicion.

Moreover, he was the male lead and from what she read, he was acquainted with a genius hacker that was one of the best in the country. He would immediately uncover the truth if she was not careful.

Zhi Ruo didn't want to brag but ( yes she is bragging ) she had participated in an international contest and had come into 7th place. A worldwide ranking of the best hackers in the world. least in her world...

Still, Zhi Ruo was pretty confident that the supposed genius hacker couldn't discover her changes and satisfyingly closed her computer after finishing her task in less than two minutes.

" Ouff... being a hacker sure has its perks. " Zhi Ruo happily declared before going back into concentration mode and doing her work.